Heather sighed and shook her head. “Drew is a she.”

“Do you think I’ve got all day to go running around chasing names?”

She rolled her eyes. “You can’t even do any homework.”

I moved in close so there was no space between us. Heather looked uncomfortable. Good. “Why would I do that when I can get you to tell me what I need to know?”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

“No? But are you afraid of what I can do?” I asked. “I wonder how far you’d let me go with Sian before you realize I can make her life miserable or good.”

“Don’t blackmail me.”

“Don’t test me. You have power here, Heather. Do you want me to treat your friend well?”

She licked her lips, and I knew I was making her nervous. “You can’t do this. Sian won’t be easily fooled by all of you.”

“No, but I can also make you go away,” I said. “If you think I’m joking, look at your schedule.”

“If Sian ever finds out about this, she’ll hate you all.”

“She already hates us. You’re just cutting out the middle man. Now tell me who Drew is.”

I could get this information easily. The only problem we had was the potential paper trail it would cause, which alone would bring a headache none of us wanted.

“I’m not going to tell you everything. Drew was a she and she was Sian’s one and only nanny. That’s all I’m giving you.”

“Last name?”

“I don’t have it. Sian never said anything.”

I nodded.

“Can I go?”

“Think about what I said. This stays between the two of us.”

She gave me a quick jerk of the head and then I allowed her to leave.

The nanny. The hired help. So, what was the connection between Sian and Drew?

Chapter Seven


Friday afternoon.


The last class of the day.

Personally, I didn’t mind gym. I liked the freedom of running. There were no rules or restraints in the freedom to run. However, the track was no longer a place to run but a fucking death trap.

A couple of the girls fell down, and as Sian closed in the ones in her lane, she helped them up, waiting for them to go first.

I lost sight of her around the course and then it was our turn to take off. Holy fuck, it was a killer. I scratched my leg against one of the posts but kept on moving. Lifting myself up on the ropes, then I had to climb over and lower myself back down. I doubted any other school had this fucking death trap.

We completed the track in twenty minutes, and it was on my second round I looked over to see Sian climbing the rope swing when Chloe suddenly appeared and shoved her. With a scream, Sian fell to the ground, yelling.

I didn’t even think, I took off. I knew Gideon, Mateo, and Dante had seen it. Before we even got there, Heather was there. Chloe stood there, taunting her.

Coach Bilson was on his way. He’d blown his whistle, telling everyone to stop.