Page 127 of Simon Says… Scream


As they kept driving, she said, “It’s really important to make sure he doesn’t see us.”

“And how will he figure that out?” he asked.

“Well, this is a fairly distinctive vehicle.”

“I am being careful, plus it’s also dark out.”

“And yet,” she noted, “it’s not all that dark.”

He thought about it, then nodded and asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“Depends. Wherever he turns off, we’ll have to go past him, so he doesn’t suspect, then go around the block.”

“Right, I can do that.”

She looked over at him, as he expertly handled the vehicle in and out of traffic, staying close but not close enough to be noticed. “You’ve done this a time or two, haven’t you?”

“Sure have. My misspent youth, remember?”

“Yeah, I was trying not to ask too many questions.”

“Good. What is it they say? Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies.”

She winced. “Please tell me that what you did wasn’t too bad.”

“Nope, not bad.”

But just enough extra brightness filled his tone that she realized she didn’t want to know about that time in his life.

They followed the vehicle another few minutes onto Grandview Highway, then Broadway and still on down.

“Interesting,” she murmured. “We’re heading into a more commercial area.”

“Hell, all kinds of buildings are down here,” he noted.

“Do you know this area well?”

“Fairly well. I’m just trying to picture in my mind where they would be going.”

“Anything with that window you saw?”

“I suspect it’ll be a subtle window.”

“And yet you saw it.”

“I did, and I haven’t been able to see it since, other than in the vision.”


Just then the vehicle ahead of them turned into another lane and made a left off the main road.

He held up a hand as she started to give him orders. “I got this.”

She watched impatiently as he did, indeed, have it, and he turned onto the side road, and she whispered, “Goddammit, where are they? Where are they?”

“Up ahead.”