Page 128 of Simon Says… Scream

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I can see the lights.”

She settled back ever-so-slightly. “I sure hope so. We can’t take a chance of losing him now.”

“I got it,” he repeated. “A little bit of trust will go a long way tonight.”

“I’m not used to taking rookies out on stakeouts.”

At that, he snorted. “I probably have more experience with nightlife and hunting than all your rookies combined. Including yourself.”

“Maybe so. We’ll have to talk about that sometime.”

“Not unless you can, uh, put aside the cop persona,” he said cheerfully.

She sighed. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”


Just then, the vehicle turned right, and then as they came around the corner, they sought a left.

“We’re made,” she whispered.

“Nope, not at all. That’s a parkade.”

“What do you mean,parkade?”

“It’s an old parking garage that is being expanded to support a big set of labs and a residential care facility and some nursing facility—if I remember the briefing I read on it.”

“But it’s an old building, like empty?”

“Yes, empty. I’m not at all sure about that window though.” He hated the fact that he might have been so wrong about the window because the last thing he wanted to do was find out that there was yet another victim. “Any idea why there are so many victims right now?”

“Partially,” she replied, “but I suspect we won’t really know until we actually catch him. The last victim was killed quickly, in case I didn’t tell you that. I figured, from looking at her, most of the injuries were postmortem.”

“That’s good for her,” he replied.

“I haven’t heard yet what exactly killed her, but it could be anything from a heart attack to the drugs he gave them to keep them subdued.”

“Right, just because he understands dosing for one doesn’t mean it’s the same for all, and overdoses are way too easy to administer if you’re not familiar with the drugs,” he explained.

“Horrible thought,” she replied.

“Yes, indeed, and yet, at the same time, this is very helpful if we’re in the right area.” Just then he pulled into where the car had turned.

“Don’t you think they’ll see us?” she muttered.

“No, not now anyway. He’s up on the second floor. He shut off the lights as he turned into the parkade.”

“Well, at least he can’t see us now.”

“No, he can’t see us, but, as soon as he stops, he’ll hear us.”

She waited and watched as the vehicle circled up higher and higher. “Crap, how high up is he going?” she asked.

“If it was me, I would go all the way up. It is the easiest way to get rid of a body.”

She nodded. “In this case it might be just to throw her off the roof.”