Page 102 of Simon Says… Run

Just then, a vehicle did drive by, almost identical. She raced out the door, and it took off. She swore as she called it in, asking for a BOLO on the car. She couldn’t give a license plate or any description of the driver.

As she walked back inside, she was pissed. “Dammit, that could have been the one lead I needed.”

“But do you know what case it’s even related to?” Harry asked her. “I imagine your life is one dangerous job all the time.”

“Well, it is,” she agreed, “and that adds to the frustration too.”

“Of course,” he murmured.

No way she could get back to her vehicle and chase him by now. He’d be long gone. She wished to hell she knew what the license plate was on that. “Do you have any cameras here?” She turned in austerity.

He nodded. “We sure do.” He walked back to his circular workstation and started tapping on the keyboard and the big monitors sprang to life. She waited on the one side, and he finally motioned at her. “Come take a look.”

And looking at the view from in front of the building, she saw the vehicle as it drove past. He brought it up as close as he could, but at no point in time did it capture the license plate. And she realized that was because something covered part of it. “Damn it.”

“It’s definitely an old Toyota,” Harry confirmed, “but I’m not sure that helps much.”

“Not a whole lot.” She frowned and said, “Be alert though,huh?”

“Always,” he replied, “though you do keep life more interesting.”

She snorted at that. “Trust me. Not really what I’m trying to do.”

He laughed. “That’s okay. It can get a little boring here at times.”

“Well, if that vehicle comes around again,” she stated, “I want to know. And, if you see it at any point in time, call the cops, would you please?”

He nodded. “You going up now?”

She nodded. “I am. I need to talk to Simon.”

“I know he’s got some dinner planned for you up there,” he noted, with a grin.

She laughed. “I don’t think he likes anything better than feeding me,” she murmured.

“Oh, I bet he does.”

She snorted with laughter and headed over to the elevator and on up. When the door opened, she was surprised to see Simon standing there, waiting for her.

He opened his arms, and she walked right into them. When she was calm enough to step back and look up at him, he leaned over and kissed her gently on the head.

“Did Harry call you?”

“He did.”

“And did he tell you about the vehicle?”

He nodded. “He sounded pretty excited. Anything that breaks up his day is always good.”

She chuckled at that. “Lord love anybody who is bored in this world because there’s a shit ton of stuff to be done around here.”

“Always”—Simon laughed—“and that’s okay too.”

“Says you,” she murmured. Then she sniffed the air. “Oh my, what is that?”

“Curry,” he replied.

She looked at him in surprise. “And here I figured we’d be barbecuing again.”