Page 103 of Simon Says… Run

“I figured I would make some curry.”

“You’re making it?” she asked in surprise. He looked at her with an overly injured expression on his face, and she burst out laughing. “Hey, I’m all for it. I just hadn’t expected a home-cooked curry.”

“Well, I do like to cook,” he noted, “and some of these recipes have been in the family for a long time.”

“Sign me up,” she said immediately.

“That’s not exactly a compliment,” he murmured, “because you are always starving and would be happy with nearly anything you can get.”

She grinned, then gave him a fat smile and nodded. “Absolutely. Food is what makes the world go around.”

“Well, I won’t argue with you there,” he agreed. “At least in this instance you’ll get a whole lot more than you would if you were to buy it.”

“Nah,” she disagreed, “because, if you’re always hungry after buying takeout, you’re just not ordering enough.”

He burst out laughing at that. “Such logic,” he murmured, shaking his head.

She sighed. “Everybody seems to think I look at the world very oddly.”

“Well, you do,” he stated.

“I don’t think so. I think the rest of you guys just don’t really get the world.”

“And you do?”

She stared at him in surprise. “Sure, I do,” she declared. “I live and work and function in it very easily.”

“To a certain extent, yes,” he agreed cautiously, “but there’s an awful lot more to life than just functioning.”

She shrugged. “Sure there is. There’s eating.”

At that, he burst out laughing and led her to the kitchen. “While we’re getting this prepped and ready, tell me about the car.”

She told him about the sensation of being followed. “That’s it.”

“So, just a concern got your attention. Then, all of a sudden, you saw him.”

“Something like that,” she murmured.

“Any idea who it was?”

She shook her head. “Neither of the husbands have that vehicle, and I don’t know anybody else with one.”

“So, you’ll go back to the office and set up a database search?”

She frowned and shook her head. “I think what I’ll do—while you’re still cooking—is bring in my laptop up here. I’ll see if I can come up with however many vehicles. Harry confirmed it was a Toyota Camry.”

“Interesting,” Simon noted.

“And it was an older version, but I don’t know how old.”

“So, there could be quite a few of them.”

She nodded. “Didn’t see the sides of the car. So, just because it was blue doesn’t mean that it started out blue.”

“No, not at all,” he agreed. “And nothing else to distinguish it?”

“Not that I saw. Just looked like a small hatchback car.”