Page 115 of Simon Says . . . Ride

I might have a better idea. I’ll get back to you in a few minutes.

Chapter 20

Back at thestation Kate led her guest into an interview room, where they went over Bill’s statement.

“On the drive over,” Bill said, “I found the email too.” Bill flipped around his laptop, so she could see it.

She read it in surprise. “Interesting,” she murmured. “Can you forward that to me?”

He nodded, then flipped the laptop back around and quickly sent it to her.

Rodney looked at her. “Who is it? Do you know?” When she frowned, Bill spoke up.

“Honestly I think it’s the blind woman. She made a couple references in there. And I know that she came to the process late.”

“And it kind of fits.” Kate considered what Simon had said about the information that he had.

“That email certainly isn’t criminal either,” Rodney noted.

“No, of course not,” she murmured. “It just makes it all that much more important that we figure out what’s going on with her.”

Bill shrugged. “I haven’t seen her in a long time. She came a lot to the intersection, and then she didn’t come anymore. Until this week. At least I thought it was her.”

“Did you ever see her with anybody?”

He nodded. “A couple times she was with an older man. Her father maybe?”

“Or maybe her husband?”

“No, I don’t think so. I would say older.”

“Hmm,” Kate murmured, “that’s interesting.”

As soon as they finished writing up Bill’s statement, which was recorded as well, and she’d arranged for a ride back home for Bill, Kate walked to her computer and quickly looked up all the relatives around Pamela.

Rodney said, “We’ve got an address for her mother. I confirmed it.”

“Good, I thought we did. Local?”

He nodded. “Yeah, they’re in town.”

“Then let’s go have a little talk with her.”

“Do you think they’ll let us in?”

“It depends. It also depends if I can get Simon to help at all.” Rodney raised his eyebrows at that. She shrugged. “I know. I know. I just feel like something very strange is going on here.”

“We have a lot of parts and pieces. Eventually we’ll get all of it.”

“True, I just don’t understand why though. I wish we could also find the other person from that incident where Candy pushed down her guy friend instead of Pamela, as Brandon wanted Candy to do. All that happened at the same time as the blind woman—presumably Pamela—got pushed by somebody.”

“The two women in our group of bullies are dead, and the four rich guys aren’t likely to talk to us again, especially if we don’t have more information to use against them.”

“And I don’t want to bring them in just yet. We don’t want to tip our hand.”

“Depending on what we’ll be accusing them of, it’s already too late.”

“I suspect that’s why we already have two dead young women on our hands. And I don’t want there to be a slew of young men either.” Rodney stared at her. She shrugged. “I don’t know whether Brandon thinks he can’t trust anybody or if it’s just the females.”