“My buddies. You know? The same ones you hassled over that stupid car accident.”

Kate said, “Please state their names.”

He quickly named the other three men in the group.

“And when you saw Paula the last time, how was she?”

“She and Candy were having a hell of a fight,” he said gleefully.

“Over what?”

“Over me. I walked away from both of them and found somebody else to have a good time with.” He chuckled at the thought. “They can fight all they want, but I still make my own decisions.”

“Of course you do. Pay your own bills, do you?”

He laughed. “Just because you’re broke and have to live on a stupid cop salary doesn’t mean I have to live the same way.”

“That’s got nothing to do with it. But, with that attitude of yours, it will be interesting retelling the tale.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said in that lazy voice that she really hated.

“So, when you last saw Paula, she was doing fine, just arguing with Candy?”

“Yep, and, man, when those two go at it, they can fight. Really they were much better off when they had sex instead.”

At that, Kate stopped, looked at him. “The two of them were in a relationship?”

“If it wasn’t the three of us, yes. It happens all the time there, chickie.”

“You may call me Detective Morgan. And is that the relationship you had with both of them?”

“I just said that.”

“Not necessarily. Were you not in a relationship with Candy?”

“Sure I was. I was also in a relationship with Paula. I went with whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and sometimes I wanted them both.” Now he was balancing on just the back two legs of his chair.

“I see, and they were happy to do that?”

“No, they didn’t want to be in bed together, which made it a lot more fun for me. If they wouldn’t play nice, I told them to get the hell out. I don’t have to take shit like that.”

“What shit like that?”

“Chicks only pretending to have fun. Tons of them are out there. I don’t need any spoilsports.”

The complacency of this guy just blew her away. “I see, and how is it that you don’t remember what happened afterward?”

“Because I was with some other chick,” he said.

“And what was her name?”

“I don’t know. She was somewhere around 36DD, as I recall.”

“Wow. I see that your brains are shrinking as you age too.”

“No need to insult my client,” his lawyer said testily.

She gave him a lazy smile. “No, apparently there’s enough money to keep even you happy though, huh?”