“Again, no need for insults. We’re here, cooperating.”

“Yes, you are, to a certain extent.” She turned toward Brandon. “Did you see either of those young women again afterward?”

He shook his head. “Like I said, I don’t remember a whole lot.”

“So you might have.”

“Yeah, sure. I might have. I was only with that chick for a while. I mean, we had a good bang, and that was it. Then later on they came back for another toke and another drink, but I don’t remember if they were still fighting then or not.”


“Candy and Paula.”

“But you saw them again?”

“Yeah, I saw them again,” he said, with another wave of his hand. “What the hell is the big deal anyway?”

“Considering that you were the last one to see Paula alive,” she said, with emphasis, “I think it’s a big deal.”

He stopped and stared at her. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You heard me. Paula was found deceased early this morning.”

“Probably choked on her own vomit,” he said in disgust.

“Meaning that she was intoxicated last night.”

“Did you hear me?” He came down hard on his chair legs. “We were all intoxicated.”

“You were for sure, but did you see Paula drinking?”

“Of course. They always drank. It was a steady thing between them.”

“Between who?”

“Have you been listening? Between Paula and Candy. Honestly, I think they both really cared for each other, but the whole situation made them pretty ugly.”

“You mean, the situation with you?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, they didn’t seem to like being caught up in the middle.”

“Why would they? It sounds like you were just pulling a power play.”

“Sure, it’s fun to manipulate people.” He yawned, then looked over at his lawyer. “Can we leave now? I really need to catch some sleep.”

“Why is that?” she asked. “Do you have a job to go to?”

“No, don’t need to.” He looked back at her, with that same irritating lazy smile. “Independently wealthy.”

“You mean, your family is.”

“Same thing in my world. My family sticks together.”

“Even when you’re in trouble?”

He glared at her. “Particularly if I’m in trouble.”

She smiled over at the lawyer. “Is that right?”