Page 33 of Mr. London

“Hey, Mom.”

“Katherine! Well, hi, honey! How are you?” I could feel the warmth in her words, and in her voice.

“I’m okay, Mom. How are you doing?”

“Well, we’re doin’ okay around here. We sure do miss you, though.” It was wonderful to hear her Southern accent. I’d forgotten how much I missed my family.

“Hold on, Katherine. Let me get your father on the other line. Jim! Jim – pick up the phone, it’s Katherine!”

“Hello, darlin’. How ya doing over there?” My father on the other line, his voice reminding me of home.

“I’m alright, doin’ well actually,” I said, smiling from ear to ear, hearing my own words returning to their Southern roots.

We speak for almost an hour, with my parents filling me in on all of the latest Dalton, Georgia gossip, as well as updates on Paul and Luke, my two brothers. I told them work was going well, telling them all about the Cosmo hotel project.

“Sounds like you’re keepin’ busy,” Mom said. “I knew you would be, though.”

“We’re really proud of you, honey,” my dad said.

“I still can’t believe my daughter’s livin’ in London, England! We couldn’t be happier for you,” Mom said, tearing up, as usual.

“Now, now, Beth,” Dad said. “Let’s not get all weepy eyed.”

“I know,” Mom said, clearing her throat. “I just miss my baby girl.”

“And I miss you, too, Mom. Both of you. Tell the boys I said hello. I’ll call back soon.”

“Bye, honey,” Mom said.

“Take care, kiddo,” Dad said.

I hang up the phone, thinking how lucky I am to have such a great family. I wonder what they would think of Alex. Who knows? Maybe one day they’ll meet him, I thought, letting my mind wander. The thought made me happy.

“You look terrific!” Sandra gushed, eyeing me up and down. “Seriously, you’re positively glowing.”

“Uh, thank you. That’s really sweet of you,” I reply, smiling, trying my best to act nonchalant.

“Must have been a good weekend.” Sandra raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on her face. Sandra wanted to see how long it would take before Katherine finally spilled the beans about her and Alex. She knew it was just a matter of time before Katherine told her.

I nod my head, smile playfully, and reply, “It was!” I walk off before Sandra had a chance to pump me for details. Let her marinate on that for awhile, I thought, laughing to myself.

I head to my office, saying hello to people as I pass by, unable to wipe the silly grin off my face. I settle in, check my emails, make a few phone calls, getting back into the swing of things. Later, I causally walk over to Alex’s office, trying to appear normal, my casual walk hiding the excitement I feel inside. I knock on his door.

“Come in.” His deep, British voice – turns me on every time I hear it.

I open the door to his office, my excitement building like a slow burn. As soon as I lay eyes on Alex, a head-to-toe rush rips through my body, the burn igniting into a hot flame.

Alex stands up as soon as he sees me, walking towards me. I push the door behind me, it closing with a thud.

“Mmm, it’s so good to have you in my arms again,” Alex whispers in my ear as he embraces me.

“And it feels so good to be back in your arms again.” I wrap my arms around his neck, locking my hands behind his head.

He bends down, kisses my neck. “You smell good,” Alex says, inhaling my perfume, while nibbling my neck, my earlobe.

“Let’s go back to the country,” I whisper, ready for another weekend of fresh air and hot sex.

“Soon. Very soon.” He looks deep into my eyes and I know he means it. “As soon as we finish with the Cosmo, we’ll return for another long weekend.”