Page 34 of Mr. London

I nod my head in agreement, a part of me wishing everything was complete and we could just take off.

“Let’s get back to work, then.” As much as I was yearning to return to the country, the fulfillment of working, being productive, and seeing the hotel take shape was enough to get my mind focused on the job at hand.

“Good,” Alex replied, sounding pleased. He returns to his desk, sits down and hands me a list of various items and issues that need attention. “This is what we’ve got to handle this week.” Alex begins to review the list, and as he speaks, I glance down at the piece of paper, pulling out my own pen and notebook, ready to get busy.

After a non-stop day of conference calls with investors, meetings with the architect, and a site visit to the hotel, I was feeling energized, happy to be back at work, thoughts of country living put on the back burner. For now.

The Cosmopolitan Hotel was coming along nicely, approximately halfway to completion. I just knew it was going to be the premier hotel in London. And best of all, it was on schedule and under budget.

Alex appeared extremely pleased with the current state of the hotel’s development. On the way to the site, he chatted happily while taking my hand in his. I couldn’t help but notice Antonio glancing in the rearview mirror, a small smile on his face.

We stayed busy well into the evening. By seven, Alex insisted that I go home and get some rest.

“It’s been a really busy day, Katherine. Go home. Get some sleep,” Alex said.

“What about you? I can stay and help finish these reports,” I said, wanting to help.

“I’m going to finish up. I’ll stay maybe another hour, then I’ll be leaving. But I want you to go home and rest. I insist. Antonio will drive you home.” I knew there was no arguing with him.

“Okay,” I reply, smiling weakly. He’s right. The day has caught up with me. I need some sleep.

“Good night.” Alex leans over to kiss me, his lips caressing mine. Even in my exhausted state, he knows exactly how to turn me on.

“Good night,” I say, cupping his cheek, running my thumb across his bottom lip. “See you tomorrow.”

Antonio arrives in a Range Rover, the color of red wine this time, coming to a smooth stop. He hops out, opens the door for me. I could get used to this, I thought, not for the first time.

As we drive along, it becomes cloudy, a slow drizzle of rain coming down. “Antonio, thank you so much for driving me around these last few months. It’s a real treat, and I just want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

Antonio looks at me in the rearview mirror, a pleasantly surprised look on his face. “Thank you, Miss Harris. I appreciate you saying so.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And I must tell you,” Antonio continued, “I’ve never seen Alex this happy.”

I smile softly, and look out the window. The drizzle has now turned into a steady rain. “I’m really glad to hear that.”

Chapter 25

“They’re back,” Nick said. He sat, waited for Sergio’s response. Waited for the explosion.

“What the fuck are you doing calling me then?! I am tired of waiting! I want this job finished!” Sergio screamed, right on cue.

So predictable, Nick thought. “I understand. But, there’s a problem.” Nick paused, knowing Sergio was chomping at the bit. He liked fucking with Sergio, playing with him, like a cat playing with a mouse.

“Problem? What problem?” Sergio seethed, thoroughly sick of Nick. If he didn’t need Nick’s knowledge and expertise so desperately, he would’ve been finished with him a long time ago.

Nick sighed. “We can’t discuss it over the phone. Meet me in London. We’ll discuss it then.”

“Meet you in London?!! Are you fucking crazy? I don’t have time for this shit!” Sergio r

anted, sweat beading on his forehead.

Nick, trying hard to contain his laughter, took a deep breath. “Just get here and I’ll explain everything. You’ll understand then.”

Sergio relented. “Alright, alright. I’ll be there in three days. And this fucking better be good, you understand?”

“I understand, Sergio.” Nick hung up the phone before Sergio could respond.