
Standing at the edge of the backyard, Ruby couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings surrounding her as the sound of the Dentons grew louder. Her family had once been the kind that got together for family events, the kind that pulsed with energy and love. Ten years she’d been without any kind of affection, always fighting, always depending on herself for everything. She didn’t know how to let down her guard, how to be part of it once again.

She wasn’t the same girl that could smile, and allow herself to be open. Oliver was different. He wasn’t like his brothers or sister, or his parents. There was a darkness inside of him that she could easily relate to, and understand.

“You okay?” Landon asked, startling her.

“Yeah, you?”

“I’m good.”

“Do you remember me?” he asked.


“I remembered you. I just wanted to say that I’m pleased you’re alive, and that no one killed you.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, me too.”

“I thought about you a lot over the years. When my parents said they couldn’t find a body, we never gave up hope.”

“Thank you, I guess. I doubt I remained a topic of conversation for long.”

“It was a long time. After a while though, my parents stopped mentioning it. I think they were worried about me, about Tamsin, so they didn’t want to keep dwelling.”

“I get that.”

“They never stopped looking though. Your brother didn’t even have time to alert us to your change in identity.”

“I’m not mad, nor am I upset. I’m fine, Landon. Really.”

He nodded, staring across the garden.

Summer was fading fast, and with it, the beauty of the garden.

“Your mother is nice, and she knows how to feed a crowd.”

Ruby couldn’t remember a time she’d eaten so much that it was hard for her to walk afterward.

She rubbed her full stomach, happy, content.

“Sarah seems nice,” she said, trying to fill the silence.

To Ruby, silence was fun. It was a time to reflect, to have peace. With people in her company, she was reminded that she had a role to play.

“She really is.”

“She’s young, and her accent is really weird. How have you been able to cope with all the different talk? She calls the trash can a rubbish bin.” She tried her hardest to speak in an English accent.

“She’s cute, and even though it was hard, I’ve enjoyed my time there. It has been a wakeup call that I was long over do.”

“Oh, mystery. Do I get to find out what?”

“Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of problems lately. Mostly to do with my anger. When Sarah’s around me, I’m different. I don’t feel like I have to prove myself.”

“When you’re with your brothers, you do?”