He shrugged. “Yeah, I do. Being a Denton, you have to learn to fight, and to take the hits that are dealt. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“And now?”

“Now, I don’t know. Rick’s still part of the family, and he has a wife, a career in another country.”

“I’m not the best person to talk to. I sort of, tried to kill your brother a couple of nights ago.”

“Oliver, I heard. Shame you failed.”

She saw he was kidding, and laughed. “Nah, he’d have kicked my ass for sure. He knows what he’s doing.”

“He is. Out of all of us, I do believe he’s the most lethal.”

Ruby looked toward the house and saw Oliver was watching her. She held her hand up, giving him a wave. He returned it.

“I kind of like him.”

“Kind of?”

“He’s funny, and he seems to get me, understand me. He’s not waiting for me to fall down and fail.”

“I’m not even going to go there in the whole judgment thing.” Landon pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so pleased you survived.”

“Such a weird conversation.”

“But a necessary one. I’ll see you back at the house.”

He turned to leave, and Ruby didn’t see a point in staying behind for much longer. Letting out a breath, she made her way back toward the house. The moment the door opened, noise bombarded her.

“I don’t want to be a ballerina. I told you, Daddy, I’m joining the boxing club.” Tamsin pressed one fisted hand against her palm.

Maddox Denton looked toward Charlotte. “I thought we agreed we weren’t going to allow her to do that.”

“Let her try it, and believe me, in a few visits, she’ll change her mind. I know what she really enjoys, and she’s just fighting it,” Charlotte said.

“She’s going to be our little fighter,” Damian said, holding his hands up and pretending to punch his little sister. Tamsin squealed, and rushed behind him, jumping on his back, and rubbing her knuckles against his head.

“Don’t even think to tease me, Damian. I can take you.”

Folding her arms, Ruby chuckled at the display, recalling the time she did something similar to Lionel.

“Hey, could you hold this little guy, I need to hit the bathroom,” Lou said, dumping Riley in her arms. They boy was two years old, and he stared at Ruby.

He was the first baby she had ever held, and it was creeping her out a little. He kept staring at her, and she didn’t know what to do.

“Hey,” she said.

“Suits you,” Oliver said, coming into the kitchen.

“Wow, thanks.”

She rocked him in her arms, not really sure what the hell to do. He had a bit of a smell to him, and she wrinkled her nose.

“This kid stinks,” she said, holding him away.

“Jacob!” Charlotte screeched the word at the top of her lungs. Seconds later, the oldest Denton was in the room.

“You hollered.”