Page 16 of Ace of Hearts

That’s not the David I know. The kid I knew wrapped his fancy sports car around a tree when was sixteen, got thrown out of high school for drinking, and flunked out of college once before they forced him into rehab.

How could I have been married to him for five years and not known that?

His old man was probably worried about you leaving him at the altar if you knew.

I probably would have.

Of course you would, ‘cause no sane woman is gonna sign up for life with an alcoholic narcissist.

You’re a smart man.

I read a lot while I was in lock up. I like learning.

What did you think of my class tonight…

~ Ace ~

Wandering downstairs the next morning, Ace followed his nose to the smell of bacon and coffee. The women at the club always did a fry-up in the morning. If he was being honest, Ace might admit the food factored strongly into his decision to stay rather than get his own place. This morning must have been special because Tiffany and Alyssa were both at the table.

Landing in the seat across from Tiffany, he asked flippantly, “Where’s your smoochie pie?”

Tiffany’s head came up. “Do not let him hear you say that. You know how he gets.”

Ace deadpanned right back, “Did you momentarily forget who you’re takin’ to? I know about his homicidal quirks better than most folks.”

Yawning, Tiffany stared into her coffee. Her phone sounded off, and Ace knew exactly who it was. Stuart’s ringtone was, appropriately enough, some popular la vida loca song. It suited him, ‘cause he was off-the-chain crazy.

Sighing, Tiffany pulled out her phone, laid it on the table, and opened the line. “Good morning, Stuart. Did you sleep well last night?”

Sounding quite a bit calmer than the last time Ace heard him on the phone, Stuart responded wryly, “They made sure I took my meds and gave me a double dose of shut-the-fuck-up meds. I was out like a light and woke up this morning drooling on my pillow.”

Tiffany took a sip of coffee before speaking. “You don’t drool when you sleep, Stuart.”

“I know, kitty. Last night I did drool though. You should be happy you missed it.”

“I think they may have overmedicated you. We need to discuss that with your doctor. They can’t overmedicate you every time you say or do something they don’t like.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll get right on that.”

“I’m serious, Stuart. Being overmedicated can have harmful, long-term side effects.”

“You don’t need to tell me that. I’m living it. I was so stiff this morning they had to give me some other shot to loosen me back up again.”

“Oh my God,” Tiffany screeched. “Tell me they didn’t have to give you Cogentin to remediate the side effects of the double dose of psych drugs they zapped you with?”

“Yes, they did. On a happier note, it can also be used to treat Parkinson’s disease.”

“Let me guess, you read the package insert?”

“Of course. Good reading material is hard to come by in here. Sometimes, I even read other people’s package inserts. You know, it helps pass the day.”

Sighing, Tiffany gulped down another drink of her strong black coffee. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I’ll bring you some books and magazines.”

“Yes. Bring me a comic with a cat woman.”

Sweet Jesus, it was times like this that made it hard for Ace to believe Stuart was a grown-ass man.

“You know I’m not allowed to do that, Stuart.”