Page 17 of Ace of Hearts

“I’ve been thinking about all the times you pretended to be my kitty.”

Dropping her head forward until her chin hit her chest, Tiffany sighed. “I’m hanging up now, Stuart. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you as a friend.” Her hand darted out to hit the kill switch on her smartphone.

When the screen went dark, Ace spoke. “I don’t know why you keep doing this. Every conversation is like a train wreck in progress.”

“He was doing really well, but now, no so much.”

“It’s time to think about throwing in the towel with that fancy-ass psych hospital you put him in,” Darkness said from the doorway. “I think he’s gotten the maximum benefit possible from being in that joint.”

Tiffany sighed. “His sexy cat fetish is getting in the way of him making progress.”

“Sign him out for a home visit, find him a whore, slap some cat ears on her head, and let him work that shit out like a normal man.”

Ace was more fascinated with the conversation than was warranted in this particular situation. “What do you mean by him working it out like a normal man? I ain’t never heard of a normal man making his woman act like a cat.”

“Hell, every man has some kind of kink. I like women dressed as cowgirls, you call women angels, Ryder calls Tiff his princess. Scratching the itch is what makes it go away, not talking to some head shrinkers while your junk shrivels up from lack of use.”

Tiffany spoke up quickly. “I’m sure that’s all true, but you have no idea how out of control Stuart can get with his cat fetish. We had best let the doctors sort him.”

“What the fuck ever. Where’s Ryder?”

“Inventorying the club’s ammo. We’re heading to the wholesale club, and he’s planning to replenish stock.”

“This is the thing I don’t like about smart bitches. You pay attention to club business, and that shit’s supposed to be private.”

“So sorry for having a brain.”

Finally smiling, Darkness put some nice in his voice. “It’s fine. You’re good people, Tiff.”

When his boss wandered off, Ace leaned forward. “So what’s the special occasion? You two are here bright and early, and I thought you were working today.”

Alyssa spoke up for the first time. “Ryder has something special to pick up in town. Tiffany talked him into dropping me off to visit with my gran.”

“That’s real sweet.”

“She’s in a retirement home, and I try to get out whenever anyone’s going in that direction.”

Tiffany pulled her bottom lip from between her teeth and whispered, “I think Ryder wants to take me to look at jewelry—rings to be precise.”

“Sweet Jesus, he’s really taking the plunge.”

Smacking him on the arm, Tiffany’s indignant voice rang out, “I’m a good catch, so don’t act so surprised.”

“I totally agree with that statement. I’m just surprised that stupid fucker can see it.”

“I have a favor to ask of you, Ace.”

“You got it. What do you need?”

“We’re going to have a little celebration next Saturday night. Can you make sure you’re here?”

“What’s going on?”

“I can’t say, but you’re an integral part of what I have planned.”

“You’re not going to make me jump out of a huge cake, dance naked or any embarrassing shit like that, are you?”

“Now why would you think that?”