Page 55 of Ace of Hearts

“I noticed that when she was talking to Tank.”

“You ought to snap her up, Peb,” Ace encouraged him. “She’s good people.”

“I ain’t got time for bitches and no desire to get tied down before I’ve even lived,” Peb said a bit too forcefully. “If I had my way, I spend time with that new chick. She’s more my speed.”

“Jennifer seems nice enough. Be careful and use protection,” he advised.

Without looking up, Peb mumbled, “Sure thing, pops. You gonna give me a dick check to make sure everything’s in working order?”

“Don’t be a smart ass.”

“Sorry, sir. I’m not all the way awake yet.”

Grinning, Ace shot back. “Fine. I’ll let you slide this once.”

Making the go away gesture with his hand, Peb sent him packing.

~ Barbara ~

“This is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.”

Barbara smiled at Jennifer. “I love everything about being in the kitchen. Making cool recipes and trying to make them look like my Pinterest pictures is fun and relaxing. I also get such gratification from watching people enjoy the food I make. I know it sounds corny, but feeding people is very fulfilling for me. Staying busy right now is the only thing keeping me sane.”

Barbara’s eyes scanned the spacious kitchen. Lily and Sarah were chatting over a glass of wine as they made a salad. Even Tiffany had grabbed a piece of the action along with Alyssa. They’d made several side dishes and were now making iced tea and lemonade. Jennifer’s reply pulled her attention back to their conversation.

“We’ll have to see if anyone likes my cookies.”

A deep voice came from the doorway. “Those cookies look really good. You should take some to the security room for Peb. He’s been in there all day, and I know he hasn’t eaten.”

Jennifer lit up like a Christmas tree at the idea. “Cookies? Hell, I’ll make him a nice plate.”

“He likes those energy drinks that make everyone else twitchy, too.”

“Thanks for the heads up, old man.”

Ace scowled. “I ain’t old, kid.”

“Well you sure as hell are not young, dude,” she quipped back.

Frowning at her, Ace heard Rose say from the corner of the room, “If you don’t leave my best friend alone, you and I are gonna rumble.”

“You’re best friends with an old dude?” Jennifer asked.

“I’m best friends with a lot of dudes around this place. You got a problem with that?”

“Not particularly, but we can create one if you want,” she returned, the challenge half-hearted at best.

Ace walked over to Rose and tossed a piece of fruit from her cutting board into his mouth. “I wouldn’t mess with Rose. I’ve seen her hold a stalker down and cram gingerbread cookies down his throat until he exploded.”

“Eww, that’s disgusting.” Jennifer cringed. “Plus, I think you’re lying about that, old man.”

“Maybe I am and maybe I’m not. Guess you’ll never know for sure.”

“You’re kind of evil in your own way. You know that, right?” Gathering up the food, Barbara helped her load it up onto a tray, while Jennifer grabbed an energy drink and headed for the security room.”

Walking over, Ace wrapped his arms around Barbara’s slim waist and gave her a kiss on the neck. He’d put in an appearance quite a bit throughout the day. Looking over her shoulder, she whispered, “Are you playing Cupid today?”

“Hell, no, I’m not.”