Page 56 of Ace of Hearts

“Liar, liar, pants on fire,” she teased. “Are your brothers about here?”

“That’s what I came to tell you. They’ll be at the gate in about ten minutes.”

“Great, the food is almost finished.”

“Everything looks delicious.”

“You’ve been sampling all day long. How does it taste?”

“Fuckin’ fantastic,” he said with an appreciative growl. “I don’t think our crew has had food like this before.”

“You always say the sweetest things. Did they say how their investigation went?”

“Darkness won’t allow us to talk over the phone about stuff like that. We have to wait until they get here, shower, and eat. Then we normally meet in the large common room and talk over drinks. Unless it’s something confidential, then we meet in the small meeting room on the other side of Darkness’s office.”

“I hope he gets here soon. Savage says the baby’s getting fussy for her father.”

Ace couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “I’m still getting my head around Darkness being a dad.”

“Everyone says he’s amazing with little Sammy.”

“Oh, he’s all kinds of fatherly. I’ll give him that much.”

Suddenly, the roar of motorcycles split the air. “I better go greet them.” Dropping a light kiss on her temple, Ace headed out to the front of the building.

Every time they came back from a road trip, it was the same. All the guys who had rooms showered in their rooms and the others lined up along the north side of the building where the club had installed a row of showers with a hot water maker on the end. The women had laid out fresh bars of soap and towels. Most of the men traveled with an extra change of clothes in their saddlebags. The club had a private well that was calibrated to handle that kind of pull, so within thirty minutes, the brothers were pouring into the clubhouse.

Barb and Tiff had loaded a huge table down with food in the main room and scattered folding chairs all around. Though the girls were new, Lily and Rose had been doing this for a long time.

Ace watched Darkness come down from his upstairs apartment with his little one on his shoulder. Her dark hair and eyes made her look so much like her father that it was uncanny.

Stopping in his tracks, Darkness eyed the table suspiciously. Slowly moving forward, he groused, “I was expecting meat. We usually have meat.”

Rose skipped over and lifted a round hand-sized puff of pastry for him to see. “The meat is inside the pie shell.”

Eyeing it suspiciously, he asked, “What kind of meat?”


He looked skeptical. “You first.”

“God, you’re such a baby.” As if catching herself, Rose apologized, “No insult to Little Sammy.”

“None taken. Now eat a bite. I want to know what’s in there.”

Rose ate a gigantic bite out of the mini beef wellington and began talking with her mouth full. “See, it’s got steak and a bunch of other yummy stuff in there.”

“It looks good…” he said slowly.

“It’s amazing,” she promised. “I wish that I’d never tasted it, though, ‘cause they’re really hard to make, and now I’m gonna want them all the time.”

“Gimme, gimme.”

The capricious teen teased, “Are you sure? They’re weird meat pies, after all.”

“It’s been a long day, Rose.” The subtle note of warning in his voice was Darkness being as nice as possible under the circumstances.

Rose laughed at him. “Have a seat with Sammy and I’ll make you a plate.”