Page 136 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Twenty

Noah wouldn’t allow her to go back to her apartment. She didn’t like the thought of staying with him. After that first night together, she woke up in his bed alone. A single note lay on his pillow, apologizing for not being there. He had a business trip that had so far taken him one week. He expected to be gone another week.

She didn’t know everything that was going on in his world, but it looked like another merger with a Chinese company, or at least that was what the news said.

Turning off the television, she stared at the blank screen, feeling out of place in the large apartment. For the most part, she’d spent her entire week working. Much to her annoyance, Noah had already had her apartment taken care of. The landlord had given her back her rent, and her belongings were in storage. She didn’t know how he managed to work so fast.

She struggled to get her taxes in order, and here Noah was, arranging her life to suit his. The blank screen didn’t offer her any advice at all. It only highlighted the fact she was alone and in a place that wasn’t her own.

Getting to her feet, she ran her hands down her shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles.

“It’s fine, Skye. This is your place now.” She looked around the large space, turning in a circle. Noah had nothing in his place.

No pictures.

No candles.

No cuddly teddy bears.

With her old apartment, she’d filled every space with as much of herself as possible. Books, favorite quotes, rugs, pillows. She loved pillows and blankets. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she reached down for the coffee cup and made her way into the kitchen. Opening his fridge, she saw it was packed with beers. No food, nothing.

“Okay, it looks like I get to starve today. Fun.” She’d been eating food before arriving at his apartment.

His apartment phone started to ring.

“Hello, Noah King’s residence,” she said.

“Hey, baby,” Noah said.

She rolled her eyes. “Hey yourself. I’ve not heard from you in a week.”

“I’ve been in meetings for the past week. No time for social calls. Believe me, I’d be there with you.”

“This is all a little surreal to me. After the night we shared, the details of our lives and you just left.”

“Business, that’s all it was.”

“Did you know you had to leave before we shared that stuff?”

Noah was silent.

“I see,” she said.

“I didn’t start it to run away.”

“You certainly have given me that impression.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“It’s fine. It’s all good,” she said. “Erm, do you have anything against food?”

“No, why?”

“All you’ve got is beer.”

“Oh, I don’t cook. There are a lot of fliers. Order in. There is the best pizza a few blocks away. They always deliver hot.”

“Yeah, I’m not going to go for pizza. You got a problem with me cooking?”