Page 137 of Twisted in Chains

“No. You can cook?”

“Living on a small salary, you tend to learn to do everything yourself. It’s one of those boring things that mere mortals do.”

He chuckled. “You’re anything but a mere mortal.”

“Look, Noah, I want to look for another place.”



“I said no. You’re not living in any other place.”

“With all due respect, you’re several countries away, and I don’t want to live with you.”

“Why don’t you want to live with me? I’m a pretty good roommate.”

“You’re going to make this difficult, aren’t you?”

“Skye, we’re doing this. Stop making everything complicated when it doesn’t need to be. We’re together.”

“We are?”

“I thought it went without saying.”

“I’m so confused right now.” She leaned against the kitchen sink.

“How are you confused?”

“Look, Noah, we’re two different people.”

“I know.”

She closed her eyes, rubbing at her temples. “We’ll talk about this when you get back.”

“Skye, I think the way we were together, fucking and what we have, it’s special. I’m not going to give that up.”

“We haven’t seen each other in years. We’ve got history, but this right now, it’s wrong.”

“I’ll be home tomorrow.”


“I’m going now. I’m wrapping this shit up, and then I’ll deal with us.”

Noah hung up. She stared at the phone, a little taken aback by what he’d said. What did he mean he’d deal “with us”? That made no sense.

She was being logical. What they shared, it was all down to their past, nothing else. Why was he behaving this way? It made no sense to her.

As she bit her lip, time passed until she finally forced her way out of her crazy thoughts. “I’m buying food. I’m not waiting around to order.”

She left his apartment, waved at the receptionist, and walked out onto the busy street. What she loved about the city was how many people were always around. Growing up in a town where everyone knew everyone’s business, she thought she’d be safe. Of course, that had all changed when she’d been stolen, taken from the life she knew, and thrust into a world that still to this day gave her nightmares. During that short time, she’d been taken, the carefree girl she’d been, who only had to deal with high school bullies, was gone. On the way into the supermarket, she grabbed a small basket and started to shop for herself. She didn’t like the thought of this upcoming relationship conversation with Noah.

They shared an evil past, one she’d tried to put to bed, but even Martin told her she had problems. She’d never admitted them to him. She always had so many secrets.

She finished her shopping, paid for her groceries, and bagged them up.

Heading back to the apartment building, she smiled at the main receptionist that had changed as she’d shopped, and let herself into Noah’s place.