Page 141 of Twisted in Chains

When he wanted her to come, he brought her straight to the edge and fucked her into oblivion. He held her screams, loosening his hold on her neck so she could scream them out. He followed her into orgasm. With her cunt still squeezing him with every second of her release, he filled her with his cum, claiming her, owning her.

The release went on and on, and he felt consumed by her.

Noah didn’t pull out of her pussy straight away. He held himself within her, running his hands up and down her body.

“Martin told me I was sick. I was twisted. That I needed to see someone because no real woman could ever want to be manhandled, choked, or taken.”

He tensed behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her as tightly as he could, offering her strength.

“I … I know I was different because of what happened. I never dated anyone, not from high school. When you left, they all wanted to know what happened. What it was like to be raped and beaten. Who wants to know that stuff? We were finally free, and I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone. By the time Martin and I were together, I felt stronger, like I could take on the world and there was nothing there to stop me.”

“Nothing is there to stop you, Skye.”

“I didn’t orgasm with him the first time. Not like with you, even in that damn cell. I didn’t think much of it. Some women don’t come the first time. It’s not the end of the world.” He heard the pain in her voice and wished there was something he could do to take it away. “Dating was so hard. I wanted to ask him if he’d had women orgasm with him before.”

She burst out laughing. It wasn’t funny though. The noise coming from her lips was almost hysterical.

“What kind of person wants to ask the guy they’re with if it’s normal not to have an orgasm? I’d be able to find some relief myself. Each time I did, I always felt guilty. I wanted to talk to Martin about it, but he … I couldn’t reach him. He felt everything was fine, and rather than burst his bubble, I started to pretend. Each time we had sex, we’d cuddle afterward, and every single time he held me, I would feel ugly and dirty inside.”

Noah pulled out of her, moving her to her back and cupping her face. “You’re not ugly. You’re not dirty.”

He needed to see into her eyes while she told him this truth.

“But I felt it. I couldn’t come with him. It’s all because of those monsters. No matter how far I run, or how hard I work, they killed a part of me back there. They took everything from me.” She rolled over onto her side and started to sob.

This time, Noah moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, binding her to him. “They didn’t take everything from you. You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere. I never want to go anywhere.” He kissed her shoulder. “They stole our innocence and showed the world. I wish I could give you back that first time. I wish we could go back to our cell, when they’re feeding us drugged-up shit, and I fuck you. I give you the best first time of your life.”

“We can’t change the past, Noah.” She sniffled. “You’re right though. They didn’t take you.”

“They tried. They tried to break my mind. To force me to become something I never wanted to be.”

“You’re strong. You’ll always be strong.”

“No, I’m not strong. The only reason I’m here today is because of you.”

This made her turn to look at him. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Yeah, you did.”

She frowned.

He stroked his thumb across her ribcage, thinking of the best way to say what he had to. “I could have died in that cell. I wanted to die. I wanted to never see daylight again. I didn’t want to look at my parents, or for them to even know what I went through. There were nights I’d lie awake, listening to you, thinking that I could kill myself. The chains on the wall, I could slit my wrists. Take one of those trays and keep hitting my head. Damn, I could have even used the floor. The cold floor. I didn’t do it. You would pick that moment to roll over, to touch me, to find me in all that darkness, and I’d be your strength. We were in hell together, and if you could keep on surviving, so could I. You reached a part of my soul that I truly felt was dead.” He took her hand, kissing it. “You made me want to become better. Moving away, not a day went by when I didn’t think of you. Each night I was at the library studying, I wondered if you were doing the exact same thing? If you were thinking about me.”

“I thought about you a lot.”

“I told you I was faithful in my marriage. That wasn’t a lie. I was faithful to my wife, but I wasn’t faithful in here.” He pointed at his head. “You were with me every single step of the way. Dealing with a large firm, being responsible for thousands of jobs, I thought about you, and each time I did, it gave me the strength to make the next decision. To do what needed to be done to succeed. That is all you.” He kissed her knuckles. “You think I’m the strong one, and I don’t even come close to you. You’re the fire, Skye. Not me. You’re the strong one. I hurt you, and you still found it in your heart to save me. You’re not sick, or ugly, or dirty. You’re fucking perfect. If you want to be taken hard, to be force-fucked, or to be held down, to be completely at my mercy to get your rocks off, well, screw everyone else that thinks it’s a bad thing. You’ve got me, Skye, and I’m not ever letting you go.”

With that, he pressed a kiss to her lips so she would have no doubt of who she belonged to.