Page 142 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Twenty-One

Skye didn’t go back to working for Arthur after his nephew’s betrayal came out. She instead stayed working at her desk near Noah’s office. They had an entire floor devoted to finance, but he wouldn’t see her move from her spot. One lunchtime, he had her sit on his lap in his chair and told her to look toward the window. She did as he asked, and saw he had the perfect view of her. There was a reason he had her placed where he did—he wanted to keep an eye on her.

Where their working life was normal, they shared lunch together and dinners together. She started to show him how to cook. She wasn’t the best cook in the world, but she certainly wasn’t the worst one either. They survived, and if their experiments failed, she ordered takeout.

After all their normal lifestyle, when they were alone, it was when they played. Some nights, Noah would arrive at the apartment before her. When she entered, he’d be there. He’d cover her mouth, stifling her scream, and pull her into the sitting room. He’d throw her down to the floor, spread her thighs, and fuck her hard. Each time, she’d stare into his blue eyes and get lost in the ocean of peace.

He’d fuck her body, and she felt herself fleeing her own thoughts. Each time he held her down, she would arch up, taking him deeper.

With her ex, she’d hide. She’d pretend her arousal. With Noah, he made sure she felt everything he gave her.

One lunchtime, he couldn’t wait, and as his fingers traveled down her back, she gasped.

She was completely naked. The blinds covering his windows were closed, and his office door was locked. He wanted privacy when they were alone together, and she respected that. If someone was to walk in, they’d see her completely naked.

“You know, I don’t get men’s desires to have a really slender woman.” He cupped her hips, running his hands up her sides. “I love that I can’t feel your ribs, each one protruding out.” He held her tits, his thumbs stroking over each nipple. “You can take the fucking I want to give you.” He stood up, his body covering her back.

There were still faint scars from the abuse she’d suffered with Mitch, but Noah didn’t even bat an eye at them.

Martin had asked her about them, and she’d panicked, saying she had fallen on broken glass. He never asked another question, and he certainly never touched them, not the way Noah did.

He played with them, loving them. His body had them as well, and she knew the stories behind them. They weren’t hiding anymore. They were free.

He pressed his cock against her ass, and she moaned.

“You’re dripping. You know that. Your thighs are covered in your cum.”

“Please, Noah.”

“You want me, don’t you? You want me to fuck you?”

“Yes. Please, yes.”

“Not going to happen just yet.”

She whimpered, needing him more than anything. Never in all of her life had she been so aroused.

He pulled back, and she cried out as he slapped her ass.

“No one can hear you outside. I can do whatever I want to you. You’ve been a very bad girl.” He brought his hand back and slapped her other ass cheek.

She closed her eyes, feeling the pain travel up her spine. Each slap of his hand felt so good against her. She wanted his punishments so badly.

He stroked a finger from her neck, going down her spine, over her ass, and to her sopping wet pussy. He plunged four fingers in deep, stretching her. He pulled his fingers from her and teased across her clit, making her moan even louder.

“I love hearing how desperate you are. How needy.”

He removed his fingers, and she whimpered, wanting him back.

Noah didn’t give her what she wanted. He pressed his cum-soaked fingers to her lips, and she sucked them in, tasting herself. “That’s it, baby. Lick that pussy of yours. I know how tasty it is. It’s going to have my cum soon enough.” One digit after another, she licked him. Once she was done, he wiped his slick fingers down her back, going to her ass. She tensed up as he gripped her cheeks and spread them wide, showing him her asshole. “I bet your husband never had this.” He teased a finger over her anus. She couldn’t help but tense up.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Good.” His body pressed against her. “It’s going to be something that belongs to me, and only to me.” He gripped her face, turning her head so that he could kiss her. He was always pulling her toward him, holding her close.

She loved every second of it.

He bit her lip as he pulled away. They were going to be swollen by the time they were done here.