Page 25 of Twisted in Chains

The camera would play.

Skye would be forced to suck him off, and he’d be forced to fuck her. If he refused, the pain that was inflicted was always taken out on her. He hated that, hated that they knew his weakness.

With either a knife to her throat, being choked, the threat of another man taking her, or many other things that made her scream, he had no choice.

They still got their meal every single day, and once they were done, had the cum shot, they were thrown back into their cell.

Each day was harder than the one before.

The worst was yet to come. He didn’t think it was possible to have even more humiliation, but there was. On one of the days, he and Skye were led down a long corridor. The guards had their weapons trained in case they tried to run. He and Skye were naked as they had been since they’d forced him to hurt her. It was cold, and he hated that he couldn’t fight them, that there was no way to stop them from hurting them. He and Skye were merely puppets to be played with.

They entered a small room, but he saw the cameras set up, and a large bath in the center of the room.

“I don’t understand,” Skye said.

“It’s pretty simple. You and Noah are going to wash each other. You’re not allowed to touch yourself, only each other,” the guy said.

Noah looked toward Skye. “You want us to bathe?”

“Yeah, is it that fucking hard?”

The gun was cocked, but Noah grabbed Skye’s hand. “Come on.”

There was already water with bubbles coming up to the edge of the bath. He helped Skye inside the bath before climbing in beside her.

“Here you go.” Noah was given one single bar of soap. “I suggest you enjoy it.”

They hadn’t been washed since their time there. Staring at Skye, he saw the fear shining in her eyes. This was intimate. He had to touch her. After everything they’d done together, he had to now touch her, wash her, clean her.

Gritting his teeth, he looked for a loofah but found nothing.

“Hands, pretty boy.”

He thought about killing them all, about splattering their brains out and tearing them apart. Instead, he helped Skye to move so her back was to him, and he lathered up his hands and began to wash her body.

She shook beneath his touch, and with each stroke, he felt like the worst person in the world, and for her, he was. He was her living nightmare.

He had to keep on going. The bruises on her body seemed to stand out more as he removed the dirt from her, and it only seemed to enhance how battered she really was. He stopped and looked up to see the men with their guns poised at them.

Turning her around, he stared into her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t freak out. She was so strong and brave. He knew many people, men and women, would have been lost because of the mental games being played on them.

Once she was clean, he tried to hand her the soap, but the man in charge silenced them.

“Stand up, Skye.”

Noah clenched his hand around the soap.

“Finish cleaning her, Noah. We don’t want her all dirty now, do we?”

Up until being taken, Noah didn’t realize how badly he could hate someone. This man keeping them, controlling them, there was a certain kind of feeling toward him, one that left a bad taste in Noah’s mouth.

He got to work, cleaning her feet, legs, thighs, before cleaning her personal space. When it was done, he handed Skye the soap, and she did the same to him. Her hand shook as she washed him.

It was hard to enjoy the bath because the pleasure had been taken out of it. This wasn’t fun. It wasn’t what they wanted, and yet, to get clean, this was what they had to do. They couldn’t even have a choice in this. Their power was completely stripped away, and they were bared to whatever whims their captors felt like giving to them. By the end of it, he hoped they could go back to their room, but they had … other instructions, and it had to be done in the bath, with the camera running.

When they finally returned to their rooms, he felt shattered and empty, but he couldn’t let it show. Not now.

Noah knew he should leave Skye alone, let her deal with this on her own, especially as he’d violated her body, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. So even as she sobbed, shook, and cringed against his touch, he still held her.