Page 26 of Twisted in Chains

He talked about getting out, each time.

What they’d do together, how they’d be friends.

Five times they did this, and when it came to a two-day hiatus, much to their surprise, they were left alone.

The meal was placed in the cell. He leaned against the wall, and Skye sat on the bed. They still weren’t allowed any clothes. Their bodies were completely exposed for the other to see.

Skye nibbled on a piece of bread while he scooped up some of the soup. It tasted weird as it always did.

“I guess we’re off the hook for today,” she said.


He watched her. She’d been a lot quieter than usual, and he knew the danger of what that could mean. She was withdrawing from him, and he hated to see that.

“So, dinner and a movie?” he asked.


“You know, when we get back home.”

“Will you stop talking about that?”


“We’re not going to get dinner and a movie, Noah. We’re not going to get back home. This is it. This is our life. Don’t you get that?”


“I’m not even on the pill, okay? Do you know what we’re risking right now? I can’t have you keep talking about what kind of future we’re going to have when we get back home when there’s no chance of that happening. They killed a girl right outside our door. We hear what they do. We’re not getting out.”

Noah got to his feet, leaving his food. He moved toward her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn’t cringe away from him this time, so he considered that a bonus.

Taking the tray from her, he held her hands, pressing a kiss to each one.

“We’re going to get through this. No matter what, we’re in this together.”

“Noah, you’re crazy. There’s nothing any of us could do. We’re not getting out of here.”

“There is always hope, together. I’m not leaving you, Skye. Just as you won’t leave me. We arrived here together, and we’re going to end this, together.”

He stared into her brown eyes. They were so full of pain and sorrow. He wanted her to smile at him. Glancing down at her lips, he couldn’t help but notice how plump they were, how inviting.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asked.

“Because, I just, I like your lips.”

She licked her lips, and he felt an answering response in his cock. This shouldn’t be happening.

He let go of her hand and turned a little away from her.

“What is it?”


“Noah, seriously, what’s wrong?”

“You don’t want to know.”