Page 35 of Twisted in Chains

“They made me rape my friend,” Noah said, blurting the words out.

“Damn, I’m so sorry. It’s what some sick pervs want to see,” Dave said.

“She was a virgin.”

“Was? Have they made you kill her yet?”

“What?” Noah shook. “Kill her?”

“That’s what happened to Scar. He got captured and was thrown into a cell with a younger woman. That’s what they do, you see. They force you to bond with your cell partner. All you’ve got is each other, that’s your comfort, in each other’s touch. With Scar, you could say he was in love with his partner, but it didn’t last. They did all kinds of things to her. Rape, abuse, passed her around like a piece of meat. She became a shell of herself, and then, she begged for him to kill her, to just let her go. She couldn’t handle the pain anymore, and seeing as they have cameras in the room, the guards had him kill her in front of people. In front of a camera.”

“So there are cameras in the room.”

Dave nodded. “Yep. My girl, she got killed a few days ago, I think. Days tend to blend in together here. You don’t really know how long you’ve been taken.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“She fought back. Was so fearless no matter what they threw at her. She told me to get out. To find freedom and to make the bastards pay. Only I can’t get out, so I guess I’ll be disobeying her instruction.”

“Has anyone gotten out?”

“Scar did for about ten minutes. He was injured so he didn’t get very far. The dogs caught him, and they threw his ass back in the cells.”

“How do you know so much about Scar?” Noah asked.

“Sometime ago, they used to allow us all to mingle together. Only, we all tried to escape. It got six of us killed, and since then, we’ve been confined to our rooms. Think of it as a prison and they’re designed to keep us in forever.”

“What will they do about a girl not on the pill? If she gets pregnant?” Noah had to get as much information as possible. This could help them both. Him and Skye.

“Your girl’s not on the pill?”


“Damn, they cut it out.”


“Abortion, son. Only it’s not always guaranteed for her to survive. You’d best keep coming inside her to a minimum. It’s not the best idea of protection, but it may help her chance of survival here. Is she your girlfriend or something? It’s rare for them to capture two together. It’s too risky.”

“No. She’d been my tutor.”

“Damn, I’m sorry. Don’t let them win. You work together as a team, and you’ll get through this thing.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I know a lot of bad shit is going down. Just be ready for it to get worse. It’s always the same for everyone. The pain, the beatings, that’s nothing compared to what is coming.”

There was no time for talking as the lights went down and the center of the room lit right up. Noah watched as another man, smaller than he was, was dragged into the center of the stage.

Accent guy was nowhere to be seen.

No one spoke as the man was chained up across a bench. His arms were spread out, and his legs spread. There was no give in the restraints, and the guy couldn’t move.

Noah winced as the man’s back was whipped. Three men were in the room, none of whom Noah recognized.

One by one, the men beat the man, and he didn’t have a clue for what reason they were doing that. Over and over, they lashed at his skin. Welts began to appear, and a few of the harsher cuts went so much deeper. Noah could no longer see the men around him, just the ones in front, putting on the sick, twisted show.

He watched as the men removed their clothes, completely naked, and their cocks stood out.