Page 36 of Twisted in Chains

Noah didn’t like this.

The restrained man moaned. “Let me go. Please. I don’t belong here.”

“This is what you get when you try to escape, or just for some kind of fun.”

Noah felt sick to his stomach as one man stepped up behind him. In the minutes that passed, Noah had never felt so … disgusted.

They didn’t use lube, nor did they ask permission. This was rape, plain and simple.

The first man fucked him raw, and with the lighting on them, he saw the man had cut him deep. Noah didn’t think he could hold his food as another stepped right up behind him, using the man’s asshole.

All three men violated him until the man passed out.

“Well, shit,” Dave said.

The lights came up, and Noah had to blink against the light. It was too bright, and what he’d seen, well, it scared the shit out of him.

The men dragged the guys away, and he watched as they cleaned up.

“Now that the punishment is over with. It’s time for a special … initiation.” The man chuckled. “I have to say, I was so surprised by how much they were willing to pay.” The man turned slowly in a circle, watching all of them.

Noah didn’t like this. Clenching his hands into fists, he waited, hoped, and of course, it didn’t help him.

The man stepped up to him.

“But it seems one of our clients likes pretty boys. You’re a pretty boy, Noah, and someone was willing to pay a couple of grand for the use of your body.”

Before he could stop them, they had him moved toward the bench that had quickly been hosed down with hot water and cleaned of all blood, semen, and something else on the floor that he didn’t even want to think about. It was now all clean, ready for what was about to be done to him.

“Let me go.”

He yelled, cursed, and begged to be let go.

Of course, that didn’t happen. Whoever had paid for him, they wanted a piece of flesh, and now there was no chance of him escaping until they got what they wanted.