Page 37 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Six

“Noah’s going to be gone for some time, but that’s okay, I’ll keep you company.”

Skye tried to cover herself as best she could.

Accent guy, it’s what she and Noah called him, scared her. He’d been the one in charge, or at least, they assumed he was the one in charge.

“Where’s Noah?”

“He’s paying for his keep. I was shocked, actually. I never expected to get such a large sum for what they want to do to him.” His smile was wicked as he stared at her.

To do? What were they going to do to Noah?

“What you’re doing is wrong.”

“I know, but you see, I’ve not been caught. Besides, when things get a little suspicious, we tend to pack up our operation and head somewhere else. The money’s good, and it’s fun. There’s a lot of sick fucks in the world who want to see all kinds of things, horrible things. I’m willing to give them what they want, but they all have to pay.”

“You think it’s fun watching men rape women.”

“Oh, baby, you don’t even know the half of it. You see, the fun part is when they ask for us to gang rape.”

She tensed up, shaking.

Don’t let him see how scared you are. Be strong.

He laughed. “You see, Skye, this can all get so much worse. You think getting Noah to fuck you is bad, but we’re only just getting started.” He lifted his finger up into the corner of the room. “People pay to watch. They pay to see what men and women like yourself will do in a situation like this. They like to watch men and women break, to see just how far they’re willing to go. Like you, your virginity. On the black market, your pussy would have given me a couple grand at most, but, because this is so rare, we got a big asking price to see it raped from you.”

“Why did you pick me and Noah?”

“We didn’t pick Noah. We picked you. You’re not the prettiest girl in town, and you haven’t got a lot of friends. Other than your parents, there’s no one who’ll really try to look for you. To some, you may have even run away. You’re a fat, virgin girl, or you were. We got a request, and you met the criteria. If we’d been elsewhere, someone else would have met it. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are—a client wants what he or she does, I’ll get it for him. Taking Noah was just, like, an added bonus. You’re both old enough to have run off. There’s a story there, and your parents are always busy. Sure, they’ll try to look for you, but they still have bills to pay. Days turn into weeks, and before you know it, all clues are gone. You cease to matter. Both of you.”

“So you find people who are not poor, but not wealthy enough to keep chasing your ass.”

He winked. “Bingo.”

She glanced down at her feet. “What’s your name?”

“You think I’m going to tell you that?”

“You know mine. I don’t see why I can’t know yours, unless there is a real chance of us escaping this, and which point, it would explain why you don’t want me to know.”

“You’re a clever girl.”

“I know.”

“Not too clever though, Skye. You did, after all get taken, and you’re still here. It did concern me, picking a girl as intelligent as you, but I guess, faced with a lot of bad shit, you’re not so bright.”

She didn’t like being told that she wasn’t so bright. Gritting her teeth, she waited for him to continue. Insulting her intelligence felt like the worst possible insult.

He started to laugh.

“It’s just so easy with you.” He burst out laughing.

“Your name?” she asked.

Don’t cry.

Don’t show him weakness.