Page 63 of Twisted in Chains

“Kate, we can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to.”

“He’s a damn teenager. He doesn’t know what he wants. He just sits all day up in his room. David, I know you think this is a man thing, but … stuff was done to him back at that place.”

Noah paused as he recalled being strapped down, being taken against his will. The pain and of course the fear as he was forced to hurt Skye. He had to watch her.

“I’m going out,” Noah said.

Being around his parents caused the flashbacks, the memories, to crash around him like waves.

“Noah, honey, we’d like to talk to you.”

He looked back at his mother. “I’m not going to see a shrink, no matter what you say.”

“You need to talk to someone.”

Noah looked past her shoulder toward his father, who pressed his lips together.

“You agree?”

“Look, son, she’s only wanting what’s best for you.”

“What’s best for me? How about you help me get to see Skye? Can you do that?” He looked from one person to the other, seeing it was useless. They didn’t understand his problem.

“We can’t force anyone to see you, Noah.”

“So Skye doesn’t want to see me?”

“Well, that’s not entirely true—”

“So her parents are keeping us apart.” He cut his mother off.

“Son, you’ve been through a lot.”

“Yeah, exactly. I’ve been through a lot … with Skye. She was right there. Right by my side. If it wasn’t for her, I’d still be in that fucking cell, or worse, sold off, or maybe even dog meat. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to escape. She saw they were drugging our food, and without her, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

He saw the sadness on their faces. They knew part of what happened, or what the doctors had told them.

He’d not talked about his time there. He refused to. No one but Skye would ever know what happened, and of course the men that got away, and the people who paid for that shit to happen.

Clenching his hands to fists, he had to get out. He wasn’t a trapped prisoner anymore.

“Noah, please, don’t go.”

“You don’t get it. None of you do.”

Leaving the house behind, he slammed the door closed, heading down the end of the drive. He breathed in deeply.

The air was cold, and he’d pulled on a thick jacket. The cold bothered him since getting out. He couldn’t stand the thought of being naked or cold. The baths and showers he took were long as well.

His parents now shared a look as if he’d gone insane.

He couldn’t help it. Some mornings he woke up, and it was like he had forgotten where he was. Who he was.

Only when he heard his family and smelled bacon frying did he realize he was home.

He ate everything that was on his plate. When he wasn’t eating or in his room, he was training. He hit the basement gym hard. Weights, running, fighting, all of it was his new strength.

Never would he be weak again.