Page 64 of Twisted in Chains

One day soon he’d have to go back to school, back to reality.

On the outside, everything was the same as it was before. He could play ball, do what needed to be done. All of it.

Only, he wasn’t the same guy as he once was.

He was far from the guy he’d been before he was taken.

Walking down the street, he ignored the calls toward him. He’d not been outside of his home in a long time, saving it for the day he’d finally have to return to school. His friends were always calling around, wanting to see him, but he had nothing or no one he wanted to see, only one person.

Before he even realized where he was going, he stood in front of Skye’s home. It was smaller than his own but still nice. They lived in different neighborhoods. Skye was the rougher of the two, but he’d grown up walking these streets. Besides, after everything he’d gone through, nothing scared him anymore, least of all kids.

Gripping the gate, he stared up at the house, willing himself to keep on walking, but instead, he made his way up toward the front door, and before he could even stop himself, had knocked.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, he waited, knowing deep down, it was a long shot.

The door opened, and he stared at her dad, Clifford.

“Evening, son,” he said.

“Hey, Mr. Carver. I’m so sorry to bother you. I was wondering if Skye’s available to talk to.”

Shouting, screaming, wouldn’t get him what he wanted. The only way to get to Skye was to make sure he was levelheaded and calm.

“Son, I know you mean well, but we don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Could you ask Skye if she wants to see me? It’s really important.”

“Cliff, who is it?” Lilly asked, coming to the door. “Oh.”

“Evening, Mrs. Carver.”

“Noah, I know you want to see Skye, but now is not a good time.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” she said. “Doing much better. Thank you for stopping by. It means a lot that you do.”

Lilly took the lead, closing the door, and he heard the lock.

Deflated, he turned down the driveway and headed out. He didn’t go back home, but instead walked toward the school, where he would have to go back.

With his hands in his pockets, and a few flurries of snow for company, he tried not to think about his time away.

It was hard to do.

His life was separated into three sections in his head. The time before, the time during, and now.

All of it was complete and utter bullshit.

He didn’t know how he was going to be able to handle his life like this. Everywhere he turned, he was reminded of who he was before all the shit, and now, he had to remember that people were expecting him to move on. To party, to get wild.

None of them understood him now.

They didn’t know what it was like to fuck a woman just so men would stop hurting her. Wiping a hand down his face, he stopped just outside of the school. He stared at the front doors.

He’d been in and out of those doors so many times. Even now, with it dark and the streetlights to keep him company, he could see himself, arm over the shoulder of his latest conquest, feeling on top of the world. No one could stop him, or step in front of him. Anyone who did, he’d easily knock them down.

He was a grade-A asshole.