Page 65 of Twisted in Chains

The sound of a car coming toward him cut the memories off from him. He turned in time to see Derek’s banged up old car that had been passed down from his old man to his brothers.

“It’s about time you joined the land of the living,” Derek said.

“What are you doing here?”

“You parents called. Told me you were out walking or doing some shit. I figured you wanted some company.”

“I’m okay, man. I’m fine. You know. Just dealing with some shit in here.” He pointed at his head.

“I get it. I do. I don’t know everything you’ve been through, but I’m here if you want to talk about it.”

Derek wasn’t like his other friends. They both played football, but they were closer than any of the other guys on the football team. Derek climbed out of the car. The door stayed open, the engine running.

“You want a ride?”

“Sure.” He rounded the vehicle, climbing inside.

“If you’re not wanting to head home, Rebecca’s having a small party at her place.”

Rebecca was one of the cheerleaders he’d banged before being taken. She was often game for anything as she’d worked her way through the football team.

“Sure, why not?” He didn’t have a reason for not going to the party.

Derek let out a whoop, and that was it, they were heading to a party. One he didn’t really want to go to.

Rebecca was one of the rich girls, so her place was a mansion. She was a daddy’s girl, and with it, she got everything she ever wanted. Car, new wardrobe, pool, whatever her heart desired, she could have. Most of the guys were the same way, but deep down, she was a huge bitch.

He climbed out of Derek’s car, hands in pockets, and headed into the house.

The house was warm, and of course, “a little party” was anything but. There were so many people.

Noah recognized some but not all.

“I thought you said this was a little party.”

“I may have lied. Come on, I remember how you loved these once,” Derek said. “You want me to take your jacket off?”

“No, it’s fine.”

He kept the jacket on. Since coming back, he had a thing about taking his jacket off. He didn’t know if any of these jackasses would steal it, and walking home in the cold, he had no desire to do.

Derek grabbed a beer and offered him one.

He took it but again, made no move to drink it.

Walking out of the main house, they came to the pool. It was in a heated room, so a lot of girls were in their bikinis. There was a time he’d have been all over them, partying, living it up.

None of them knew what real pain felt like.

“Do my eyes fool me, or is Noah King finally in my house?” Rebecca asked.

Before he could stop her, she’d jumped into his arms and her lips were on his. It felt weird to have her wrapped around him, kissing him.

What was more, he didn’t like it. She was too strong, her lips pressing too hard against his own.

“Down you go,” he said, tapping her ass.

“What is it?” Rebecca asked, pouting. “Don’t you want me anymore?”