Page 70 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Eleven

He couldn’t put off school any longer, and finally, after another week, Noah arrived in the school parking lot. There were already so many students there. They were once his peers, but now they were just students, a bunch of guys and girls gathered in one building to learn.

Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, he couldn’t help but question if this was a good idea or not. There’s no way this was going to be a good idea. It was a fucking foolish idea, for one.

He had to move though. Going back home would mean the possibility of being sent to a shrink, and he was so not into that shit.

“It’s about time you showed up,” Derek said, knocking on the glass.

Even though he’d fucked up big time at Rebecca’s party, Derek was making sure she didn’t pull away from their friendship, and for that, he was thankful. Noah couldn’t handle any more shit right now, and at least he had Derek.

Who does Skye have?

He looked around the parking lot, and he didn’t see her car. From what he remembered of Skye, she didn’t have many friends, if any. Did anyone, besides her parents, even care that she’d been gone?

Climbing out of the car, he locked the door, like he always did now, and shook Derek’s hand. He was very much aware of all the stares they were getting.

“I feel like I’m with a celebrity.” Derek slapped his back. “Come on, let’s get you inside. You got all your books to collect, right?”

“Yep.” All of his stuff had been taken by Mitch. He wondered if Skye had already gotten her things or if she was even returning to school. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, you can ask me anything.”

“Do you know if Skye’s returning today?” He glanced over at Derek in time to see the shock on his face. “What?”

“Seriously? That’s what you want to ask me?”

“What’s wrong with that question?”

“It’s Skye. Look, dude, I know you guys were, like, kidnapped together and all that, but you’ve got to realize that it’s over with that, otherwise you’re going to lose a lot more than a few weeks. You know what I’m saying?”

“I just wanted to know if she was coming in today.”

“I don’t keep an eye on the losers, Noah. You want my advice, you shouldn’t either. That shit is in the past, where it should remain locked tight for no one to find it. Just my personal advice. But then what do I know? You know what, I can totally get you hooked up with Rebecca again.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to take it slow.”

“Take it slow?”


“Fine, whatever. I’ve got to get to class. Have fun, Noah.”

He watched as Derek walked off, heading in the opposite direction. He went to his locker for the first time since he’d been taken.

Man, he’d been so cocky the last time he’d been standing in this very spot. Laughing, joking, believing he could get Skye to do his homework for him because he was a fucking jock and all girls loved a jock.

“Noah, what’s this about?”

“I just figured you know, seeing as you’re bright and I’m not so bright, you wouldn’t mind writing my papers for me. We both know I can do it, but I’ve got a life and you don’t.”

He’d batted his eyelashes like a damn clown, thinking that would get him what he wanted. Shaking his head, he grabbed his books and slammed the locker closed.

No matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t the same person anymore, but people kept on looking at him as if he was the same.

Sure, he had the same looks and build. On the outside nothing had changed, apart from his extra workouts and weightlifting. He’d changed all of that. Everything else was the same.

Only, inside, he was completely different, and he didn’t know how to fucking change that. Survival had been on his mind.