Page 71 of Twisted in Chains

For so long he’d felt nothing but weakness. Not only did he have to watch what happened to Skye, but also himself.

“Well, well, well, if it’s not my little boyfriend, all back and ready to face high school.”

He tensed up as Rebecca ran her hand down his chest, resting at the belt of his pants. Every single part of him wanted to throw her against the lockers and have her touch away from him.

Noah stopped himself.

“Don’t you have something to say to me?” Rebecca asked, showing off her pout. “About last night with what you did.”

“I’m sorry, baby.”

She burst into a smile, giggled, and jumped right into his arms. “That’s okay. I can totally handle what you’ve got. You’re so strong, baby. I missed you so much.”

Before he knew what was happening, her lips were attacking his.

His first instinct was again to reject her.

You’re back home.

She’s easy pussy.

It’s the only reason he ever went with her. Out of all of the girls here, Rebecca liked going for anything and everything. She was a game girl through and through. He’d even heard some tales from the other guys of what she was like, and he didn’t mind any of that. He was more than happy to have her all to himself, for however long she chose him.

Even as he deepened the kiss, it felt off. Her lips were too hard. Her body was rocking against him, and for another, she was too skinny. Her ass didn’t fill his hands properly, and he felt no arousal.

Still, he kissed her, hoping that giving her some tongue action would help their situation and she’d leave him alone for some peace.

“Get a room,” someone said in passing.

Rebecca broke the kiss with an annoying giggle, which he had once thought was so cute.

What the hell was happening to him?

“I’ve got to go.”

He let her down, and she sighed. “You know, tonight, I’ve got a surprise for you. I’ll pick you up at seven. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to your parents. They adore me.” She batted her eyes at him, and in the next breath, she was gone.

Noah didn’t call after her, and, hiking his bag up his shoulder, he headed toward the principal’s office.

He nodded at the receptionist, who quickly rushed through to the principal. Since coming home from his ordeal, he’d noticed a lot of people didn’t have the first clue what to say to him. They were all scared to say the wrong thing, even if he didn’t lash out. It wasn’t like he growled and snarled at them. He simply didn’t talk all that much.

“Ah, Noah, it’s good to see you back here,” Principal Howdes said, coming out of his office. “Thank you, Tracey, I’ll take it from here.”

Take what from where? She hadn’t even talked to him.

He walked into the principal’s office and took a seat.

“Your parents called me to let me know you were returning today. Seeing as your classes are all the same, what we have decided is your teachers will be giving you a file each of the lessons you’ve missed. We’re hoping that by the New Year, you’ll be all caught up and we won’t have to hold you back during graduation.”

“All of my classes.”

“It’s really important work, Noah. I’m sure a fine man like yourself could understand that. Of course, if it proves to be difficult, we can make allowances, and you’ll work through the summer, and graduate next year at the start of term. There is that possibility.”


He stared down at the desk, needing a moment.

“Don’t worry, Noah. We’re all here for you. Your lessons plans are exactly the same as last year. You’ll be a bit behind, but that’s fine. Like I said, all of the work will be handed to you. Assignments will have the necessary deadlines, but we’re all going to be here for you.”