Page 91 of Twisted in Chains

“It could be good for us to do it. You know, to face our demons.” He didn’t relish the idea of going back there, but for Skye, he’d do it.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

The bell rang for school, and they both climbed out of the car.

He ignored the stares as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders the moment he stood next to her, and they walked in together.

“You need to get to your locker,” she said. “I’m fine. I’ve got to get my stuff.”

“Stop saying you’re fine.”

“I’m good.”

He cupped her face, and right there, in the school corridor, he kissed her. He heard the gasps, and as he pulled away, he saw the pointing. “I’ll see you after school.”

Noah spun on his heel, heading in the opposite direction of where his locker was. All of these assholes could piss off. He had no intention of going back to being the jock that did everything they wanted, dated the cheerleaders, and fucked around.

If anything, his time in captivity had shown him exactly what he wanted, and he wasn’t going to give that up for anyone.

“You and Skye, it’s a done deal?” Derek asked, coming to stand with him.

Most of the corridor was empty as students rushed to get to class.

“Yeah, we’re a done deal.”

“You know, some of the guys, they don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

“Does anything have to get into me?” he asked.

“You haven’t played ball. You haven’t been yourself. It’s like the real Noah left, and this … guy has turned up in his place. You’re kissing nerds, screwing them.”

“Derek, you and I don’t have a problem right now, but if you keep talking the way you are, we’re not going to remain friends for much longer, and I’d hate to lose you as a friend.”

“Do you even hear yourself? I get it, you and Skye went through shit together, but that’s over. Snap out of it. Come back to us.”

Noah slammed his locker closed. “Get over it. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve got a problem with it. This shit is happening, if you like it or not. I’m not changing myself for anyone, not anymore.”


By the end of the day, Skye knew something had been said to him. On the drive home, he was silent, the anger vibrating off him. At lunchtime, they sat alone, and he didn’t even go to practice after school.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Now you’re the one saying you’re fine.”

“I’m just trying to deal with everything is all. It’s no big deal.”

She stared down at her lap. “Clearly it is. Want to talk about it?”

“I … don’t.”


She looked out of the window as her street came into focus. Her heart started to race, and then as they got to her driveway, she noticed Noah tense.

“My parents’ car is in the driveway. Why are they here?”