Page 92 of Twisted in Chains

They stopped, and she recognized Denison’s car as well.

“I wonder if they’re having a meeting, talking about us.”

“For fuck’s sake. What could they possibly want now?” Noah asked.

“You want to drive away? Start a life together?”

“You’re offering to run away with me?”

This made Skye pause. She’d been joking.

Had she?

She looked up at her home, the cars, and knew something bad was about to happen. “I think I am.”

“Are you even ready for that?” he asked.

“Who is ever ready to run away? Would it be so bad? We’re teenagers. There’s a lot of those running away nowadays.”

The engine was still running, and Noah tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. She noticed he did that whenever he was thinking.

She stared straight ahead at their home. Whatever he decided, she would follow him, no questions asked. They were together, and with that, she would fight to stay with him every single step of the way.

“No, we’re doing nothing wrong. We’re friends. We can deal with this.”


Noah turned off the engine and opened his door.

She didn’t have much energy when it came to confrontation, but she was willing to give this one a try. They were her parents after all. It couldn’t be so bad, right?

Noah took hold of her hand, and together, much like running away, they entered her home.

There were muttered voices, and she felt her hand shake. Noah held her a little tighter. His warmth and comfort helped her to deal with whatever was about to happen.

As they entered the dining room, silence fell into the room.

Denison was seated at the head of the table. For a split second, she was sure he looked smug. Her parents sat opposite Noah’s parents. They did not look happy.

“What is the meaning of this?” David asked. Noah’s dad was glaring.

“Meaning of what?” Noah held her hand even tighter, and she squeezed him too, trying to offer him comfort as they were both glared at.

“Get your hand off my daughter, now,” Clifford said.

“Dad, what’s going on?” she asked.

“It’s simple, honey.” Lilly stood up. “We’re protecting you.”

“Both of you. This is not only about your daughter, my son was taken as well,” Kate said.

She stayed by Noah’s side, and neither of them let go of the other’s hand.

“Protecting me? From what?”

“You two need to go back to your lives,” Clifford said. “I love you, honey, but that is studying. Not hanging out with jocks.”

“Noah, you’ve got a future in football. Not continuing this thing with her. We have all spoken, and it’s for the best that neither of you are to see each other anymore. Denison has plenty of his team around town who can make sure this happens. We all believe in order for this to continue, you two need to learn to stay apart.”