Page 21 of Teacher's Pet

“Promise?” she asked, her eyes pleading with me. I leaned in and kissed her on those plump, sensuous lips that I’d only just begun to know.

“I promise.”

Chapter Eleven


The rain had stopped as I stepped out of Caleb’s house and looked out at campus, my head still spinning and my heart racing. I definitely had that post-sex afterglow, even though I’d never experienced it before, of course. I could just feel it. My whole body was like a shining sun. I was a completely new person, and it was because of one thing.


He’d come into my world like a meteor and given me something I’d never even known I needed. He was what was missing. He completed me.

And I loved him for it.

It was a crazy realization to have. I felt like I had just stepped into one of those romance movies or something. Caleb had taken me, a scared timid girl, and made me into a woman. He’d taken me, then taken my virginity, and now he’d taken my heart and I knew he was never going to give it back.


I was smiling as I made my way across campus, gazing up at the slanted sunlight now beaming down through the trees, when a sharp voice rang out.

“Excuse me!”

It was so loud I actually jumped and turned to see a stern-looking man staring over at me. I’d never met him before, but I’d seen him in photos on the college website. It was Dean Warmer.


“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Lizbeth,” I replied. “Why?”

“Come here, Lizbeth,” he replied, motioning to me with his hand. This was a man who was used to being obeyed. I felt like this was one of those scenes where the Russian mob boss calls over an innocent witness only to question them and then kill them, but what was I going to do? Deny the dean?

His eyes narrowed as I approached, a

nd he nodded behind me to Caleb’s house.

“What were you two doing in there?” he asked. His bluntness stunned me and I found myself fumbling for the right words.

“Just…nothing,” I stammered. “Class stuff.”

“Mmmhmm,” he nodded. He wasn’t buying it. “His TA couldn’t help you? You couldn’t go see him during office hours?”

“Oh—well, it was raining earlier and he offered to give me a ride to my dorm. And then I mentioned I had a question about the syllabus—”

“Shut up.”


His abruptness shocked me and I felt my heart beginning to race. He’d caught me—caught us. This was bad.

“You’re fucking him,” he said flatly.

“No, I’m n—”

“You know you’re not the first girl to be taken by Professor Grey’s charms, right?” he said with a dastardly smile. “You think you’re the only girl to notice how handsome their new anatomy professor is?”

“I mean—no…” I stammered.