Page 22 of Teacher's Pet

“You think he actually cares about you?” the dean stepped closer and I stepped back. He was threatening, but the things he was saying to me were even worse. “I’ve seen Caleb disgrace his position as an educator many times before. You aren’t the first, but you may be the last.”

“What are you—”

“Allegations have been brought against Professor Grey. Allegations of a serious and sexual nature. A former student who, like you, fell for Caleb’s boyish charm and good looks, and was taken advantage of.”

My heart was ready to pound out of my chest. My heart felt like a quickly deflating balloon.

“Don’t blame yourself,” the dean said with a smile. “Young girls like you…it doesn’t take much to take advantage of them. This isn’t your fault. But if you help me, we can make sure nothing like this happens again.”

Tears began to well in my eyes. Suddenly the sun cutting through the trees wasn’t warm and bright, it was blinding. My chest felt like it was ready to crack open. I glanced over my shoulder at Caleb’s house, the place where I’d just felt more at home than I’d ever felt anywhere before.

Was I really that stupid?

Had I fallen for an older man’s charms?

My balloon-heart deflated completely, turned into nothing more than a wrinkled piece of plastic ready to be thrown into the trash. I looked back at the dean.

“H—help you how?”

He smiled and nodded. “There’s someone I need you to meet. Come.”

Chapter Twelve


Dean Warmer’s footsteps echoed through the long, open hall like a gangster’s footsteps approaching a hit. I followed behind him, still trembling, doing my best to keep the tears from pouring from my eyes.

But every step was a struggle. Every breath was a chore. My heart, once alive and full of love, blossoming like a flower in the spring, was now hollow and crushed, dead inside my chest.

It didn’t matter how hard I tried; I couldn’t keep images of Caleb from flooding back to me. Oh, and there was that other issue too. With every step, Caleb’s cum dripped slowly out of me and into my panties, reminding me of what we’d done together—twice.

I love you…That’s what he had said to me.

“Fuck…” I hissed under my breath, low enough that the dean couldn’t hear.

How could I be so stupid?

I was now a walking cliché; the girl who fell for her teacher and honestly thought there was more to it than just a hook-up. He’d set his sights on me, come after me, deflowered me without thinking twice, and added me to his list of students he’d claimed. He was probably smiling to himself when I left the house, knowing he had me right where he wanted me. I would have done anything for him.

But now? Now I was broken. Now my world was shattered and the only hope I had was that the dean could give me some sense of solace by allowing me to help him make sure none of this ever happened again.

The dean stopped at a door and looked at me with a smile.

“You’re making the right decision.” Then, he opened the door.

Inside was a girl, a timid-looking blonde with a sweatshirt hood pulled up high over her head. She looked like she’d rather be anywhere else but here.

Probably heartbroken too…

“Lizbeth, this is Christy Jenkins, former student of Professor Grey.” The girl nodded but kept her eyes on the table. “She’s going to tell you what happened to her, and when she brings her allegations public next week, you will add yours on as well and we will make sure Caleb never sets foot in a classroom ever again.”

I was quivering again, but this time I didn’t like the reasons why.

“Say hi, Christy.”

“Hi,” she all but whispered back.

“I’m going to hit the head,” the dean said. “I’ll leave you two for a couple of minutes to get acquainted and I’ll be back.”