“About that. I need to go home. I’m wearing this because I don’t exactly have anything else. And if I’m going to be here instead of there, I need more than my birthday suit to wear. I don’t think any of the men you have around here will appreciate seeing the bosses’ girl running around naked.”

I blink up at him and witness his expression turn from day to night.

“I would kill them for daring to look.” He exhaled. “I would hate to have to kill some of them, though.”

“Yeah, that would be a shame, Sy. Geez.”

I slap at him playfully.

“You have a big family? Grey and Drake?”

He nods, slipping a blueberry between my lips. I haven’t had such decadent food in so long and my taste buds are happy. Very happy.

“Blood brothers and over a dozen men who are considered part of our inner circle. We keep it small.”

“No sisters? I always wanted to have a sister to share girl talk with. Silly, I know, but you know.”

He seems to mull over my words before speaking. He’s quiet for several beats and when I think he has nothing else to add, his next words break my heart. “I had a sister. She was stubborn and wanted to grow up long before her time. She died because of that stubbornness.”

“I’m so sorry. That must have been very hard on your entire family.”

He pauses while dipping a piece of cantaloupe this time and holds my gaze. “That was the last catapult I needed to push me into the life I live now. I was weak then and couldn’t protect her. I’m not weak any longer, Katriona.”

He rubs small circles on my lower back as he speaks.

“Is that why you’re helping me? Because you couldn’t help your sister?”

He doesn’t answer, only continues to feed me in silence, and when I’ve finished one dish and he starts on another. I throw my hands up. “Stop.” I laugh, trying my best to lighten the mood a bit. I hate the dark somberness that has settled over us and want to get back on happier ground.

“Oh my goodness, Sy, you’re killing me. If I eat another I’m going to turn into a walking fruit basket, I swear.”

“Just trying to build up your strength for what we have planned for this evening.”

“Oh?” I ask, my brows doing a quick climb in surprise. “What have you had the time to plan?”

He takes my chin in his hand and devours my lips with his in a kiss so claiming I feel it soul deep.

Leaning in, he presses his forehead against mine. “You’re in danger of never leaving this room. Don’t tempt me to tie you to this bed.”

I almost fall for that devilish glint to his eye. “We do that and I know I’ll end up pregnant, and another day with you three between my legs and I won’t be able to walk.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing, mo chroí. As for the latter, well, I’d carry you to the ends of the world.”

I look at him, all humor aside, and I know he’s telling the truth. He leans in and takes my lips with his. A soft brush and then something a little deeper that speaks volumes more than anything either of us could say.

“This feels right.” The words don’t do the stirring emotions in me justice. I take his face between my palms and look him in the eye. “I want you to know that.”

His gaze is dark and intent. “Forget about leaving here. Let’s stay. I’ll buy you all new stuff. You don’t need anything from your old life. I’ll give you everything you want and more.” He nuzzles me close and rubs the tip of his nose against mine.

I wish I had known my life would someday be brightened by men who want me so much that they’ll do anything to keep me safe.

“It’s not that simple, Sy. I owe people an explanation of where I am and I can’t just not return for my things. Sally depends on me. I can’t let her down. I either need to cover until someone can fill in for me, or at least tell her I’m okay. I don’t have much, but what I have is worth something to me, and I have possessions that money can’t buy. Things my mother gave me. Plus clothes that are not an ugly yellow or polyester.” I give a pointed look at my current state of clothing.

“Drake, Grey, and two of my enforcers will accompany you. You have one hour before I want you back safe in my arms. Or I’ll come looking.”

I know he means well, so I don’t call him out on his high-handedness. I draw in a shaky breath unsure of the answer to my next question but needing it all the same. “Why are you doing all this for me?”

He wraps his arms around me and locks me in his embrace. He nods his head as if telling himself it's okay to share a deep part of him. I feel like I am about to be shown a hidden side of Sylan he doesn’t share with many and I give him all of my attention.