“When your father walked through our doors needing money, believe it or not I felt a change coming. We all did. It had been building for a while and I was growing restless more so than Grey and Drake. In less than twenty-four hours after signing with your father, we made a plan on getting you to work for us so we could keep you close. Months of watching you did something to us. We fell in love with a woman who didn’t know we existed. Then when you left we had men trailing your every move. You were not so good at covering your trail so they did it for you at our behest. Why do you think the shitty landlord of yours never kicked you out no matter how late you were with rent? It tore me up inside not to swoop in and take you back, but we had to wait. Bide our time until your father couldn’t hurt you anymore. Only it was his righthand man who we should have been watching. Each of us took turns sitting outside your apartment building making sure no one bothered you. Sally didn’t send those boxes of food from her diner.”

As he speaks, Sylan’s gaze drifts off to the corner of the room, his gaze glassy and distant before turning back to me with laser focus.

“It was you,” I whisper, eyes wide. I can’t determine if I was in awe of his kindness or of Sally’s ability to lie to my face when I asked her and then hugged her tight.

“We’ve put enough evil men in the ground to know an angel when we meet one. The men and I did what we could. It took incredible strength not to put a bullet in your father’s head for what he did to you and your mother. Every night I spent in my car I crafted ways to put him six feet under, and then I would see your shadow move in the window and my soul would calm, and I would be at peace for another little while.”

I’m having a hard time taking in what he’s telling me. “Did you kill my father? You can tell me the truth. I won’t be mad.”

“No. But don’t for a minute think we didn’t want to. When I speak, you will only get the truth. Do you understand?”

His black eyes are on me and he gauges my reaction to his words. “And Sally? She was never my friend?”

“She was. Is. She looked out for you because I asked her to. Our associates are far and wide, but that’s where my influence ended. Everything else you have with her is genuine. You have my word.”

I nod but don’t really understand the whole picture.

“This is all so much. First Nikki and now Sally.”

“You have to understand, we have nothing less than respect for you. And love.”

My eyes widen and so does my heart.

“Love?” I ask in a hushed whisper, afraid I didn’t hear him right.

“Love, mo chroí. I’ve never said that word outside my family. You’re my first. You belong to us entirely, and no one will take you from us.”

It’s crazy but I love him too. Him, Grey and Drake. My heart hurts right along with his, and I’m honored he’s opened up to me.

“Now you know something about me. You don’t have to say anything. Not until you’re sure.”

I nod, and he presses his lips to my forehead. “My father was a good man. But he couldn’t save my sister who was hell-bent on doing things her way. She fell in with a bad crowd out of high school and she died on the streets a junkie and prostitute for the likes of men like Marcus. And your father. When you get to know our business, you’ll see I don’t tolerate that shit and why I will never work with a man like him.”

Disgust coats his words and he stands, taking me with him, and gently places me on my feet,

Everything about his demeanor says he doesn’t like the idea of me stepping outside his walls but I can tell he doesn’t want to scare me off by controlling my moves either. I don’t for a minute believe he would stand in my way if I were to walk out those doors. It’s a delicate balance, I know, and I don’t like this any more than he does. But I won’t live in fear either.

I rise to the tips of my toes and place a small kiss on his cheek. Light stubble has grown in, and I’m momentarily distracted by the urge to find out what that kind of friction would feel like between my legs.

“I can hear your thoughts without you saying a word. Later, I promise.”

“You really are the devil, my Irish mobster. I’ll be back before you realize I’m gone.”



He takes me in his arms. “Yes. Because where you go, I go.” He turns to the bathroom, raising his voice. “Grey, Drake, hurry the fuck up already.”

Turning back to me he says, “I’ve changed my mind. Now let’s go get what you can’t live without so we can get back here and part those pillowy soft lips of yours with my already aching cock.”

A thrill runs through me. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”