Something about him unsettled me. Perhaps it was the lethal gleam in his gaze or the way he stared stoically at the king. Regardless, Crooked Nose no longer scared me most. This champion did.

“Congratulations.” My husband descended the stage like the powerful ruler he was, everyone moving out of his way and bowing in deference to his power. “You’ve all earned at least one night with my wife, subject to more if I believe you a suitable candidate for her training.”

Necros stopped in front of the handsome man.

No. I couldn’t call him that.

He continued to scare the hell out of me with his calmness, and he’d just fought a battle for my body.

A person’s character was what made them handsome, not the way they looked.

“Hmm, you all fought hard, but one stood out above the rest.” Necros’s gaze fell to the male I feared most—the lack of blood on his attire likely the reason for my

husband’s attention. “Prince Adrik of Noxia, I presume?”

Lethality loomed in the male’s dark gaze as he gave a subtle bow. Not the full kind as most did in my husband’s presence, but a partial bend to imply respect more than servitude. These men were closer to equals. Although, despite Prince Adrik’s royal vampire lineage, Necros sat at the top of the throne. Mostly because both kingdoms were allies, with the Queen of Noxia bowing to Necros’s will rather than contesting it.

“A pleasure, King of the Dead,” Adrik replied, his deep baritone sending a shiver down my spine.

Necros took his measure once more, stroking his bearded chin all the while. “How is Queen Lux?”

“She’s well, My Lord, and she sends her warm regards.”

“And she approves of your attendance here?” Necros pressed.

Adrik’s full lips curled at the side into a devastating smile. Handsome had been too tame a term for him. Sinful seemed more accurate. Tempting, too. “I doubt she will when she finds out, but I desired a challenge.” His dark eyes flitted to me, his expression intensifying. “A beautiful one.” He returned his focus to Necros. “Your offer was too enticing for me to resist.”

Necros chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at me. “Well, a challenge she certainly will be.”

“Fortunately, I have experience in that realm.” The lewdness in his tone caused my stomach to churn, as did the evil victory radiating from Necros’s features.

“So I’ve heard.” My husband shifted back to Adrik. “Would you like to taste her first?”

My breath hitched.


Not him.

A vampire? That was too dangerous. He could kill me. Didn’t Necros realize that?

“It would be my honor, My Lord,” Adrik replied, licentious energy rolling off him in waves. “I will just need limits addressed.”

“No limits.” The severity in those words had my heart leaping into my throat.

“You’re sure? Because I enjoy sharp elements in the bedroom.” Adrik twirled a blade skillfully through his fingers to drive home his point.

My lips parted. No way would Necros allow him to—

“She’ll heal,” my husband said emotionlessly. “Valora, come say hello to your first trainer.” He snapped his fingers behind him as if to beckon me like an animal.

Maximus didn’t give me time to process the insanity or make a move on my own. Instead, he fisted my hair and yanked me up off the ground, sending a twinge of pain down my spine. He forced me forward to stand beside my husband, his grip unyielding.

I kept my mouth shut, refusing to say a word. No, not even that. I didn’t know what to say. All I desired was to scream and kill.

“You see what I’m dealing with? Defiance to the utter end.” My husband shook his head in annoyance, raised his hand in the air, and clipped me in the face.

“Hello,” I forced out, my head ringing from his assault.