Adrik looked me up and down, his dark eyes bored into my curves displayed prominently in the dress I had chosen. I inwardly cursed my choice. I should have worn a black sack. “That’s just how I like them. More fun to break.” Adrik tilted his head toward my stomach. “I assume we’re to use protection?”

“And spoil the fun for you? No, I believe you’ll find me to be far more accommodating. Maximus?”

The guard holding me produced a device from his pocket that looked akin to a gun. He pressed it against my shoulder and fired a button. A pain erupted in my shoulder.

“Ow!” I jerked away from him and glared. I wasn’t a toy to be passed around like this. I was a queen! “What the hell was that?”

“Contraception,” my husband announced from beside me. “You’re very likely barren, if the last six months are any indication, but I can’t risk you conceiving a bastard. After you’re satisfactorily trained, I’ll try for another heir. If that fails, well...” He allowed the threat to linger between us, his gaze wicked. Then he threw me like a rag doll to Adrik’s feet. “She’s all yours.”

“Shall I escort you to your room?” Maximus asked. His stature told me he would be a worthy opponent, his ebony eyes warning me not to try.

I smiled. “Not yet.”

Valora blinked, her confusion palpable. What are you thinking, little bird? I wondered. Do you think I’m going to go easy on you? Now, in front of all these people? No, sweetheart. No.

I circled my prey, contemplating what to do to her first. She sat absolutely still on the ground, oblivious to the blood of dead warriors seeping into her gown. Or perhaps immune to it. But her heart gave a slight pang each time I took a step, her breath hitching in her throat as I drew out the dance of her fate.

Necros arched an auburn brow as if to urge me to begin.

And I would.


I crouched before her, bringing us to eye level with one another. “Do you know what your performance lacked earlier, little one?”

Silence swam around us, our audience awaiting her reply. Of which she gave none, her chin jutting out in a stubborn line that intrigued my instincts. It seemed the queen wanted to play. Good.

Her husband raised his fist as if to correct the behavior himself, but I held up a hand. “Allow me, My Lord.” I had a show to put on, one I hoped would gain me his favor and allow me some much-needed alone time with his wife. “It’s rude to ignore a direct question, Valora.”

Gorgeous light blue eyes met my own, her pupils flaring the tiniest bit to display her irritation. Mmm, she didn’t like this at all. Not that I blamed her. What would it take to prompt her rebellion? To provoke her enough to kill her own husband?

“Get it over with,” she demanded. “Fuck me, if that’s your choice. Use me. Do whatever it is you please, My Prince.”

Such fire and hatred. All for someone she hardly knew. I couldn’t help my resulting smile. “Enthusiasm,” I informed her softly, tilting my head to the side. “That’s the answer, sweetheart.”

Her lips flattened. “This game bores me.”

I chuckled, adoring this feisty side of her. “Does it? Shall we make it more interesting?” I slid my hand into my pocket, palming the blade I’d just used to take out half a dozen immortal men—for her. “Kneel.”

The king wanted a demonstration, so I would provide one unlike any he could have anticipated.

Valora did as requested without flinching, her gaze taking on a distant quality similar to the one she’d given her husband when he forced his seed down her pretty little throat. I went to my knees as well, my height giving me a not-so-subtle advantage over her, and used the hilt of my knife against her chin to force her focus upward.

“Your clear distaste of the moment ruins the experience,” I murmured, sliding the weapon between my fingers to press the sharper side to the base of her throat, and glanced up at Necros. “No rules?” He’d stated it once before, but I wanted to hear him say it again. More for those observing the lesson. I knew most of these men. If they thought they could take Valora however they wanted, she wouldn’t survive the week.

Necros stroked his beard, his attention falling to the sharp edge resting against Valora’s skin. She didn’t even flinch as I drew the weapon downward to rest between her cleavage.

Beautifully submissive.

“No permanent damage,” Necros finally said. “She might be barren, but I want her alive.”

Of course you do, I thought. He wanted her power, same as I did. “So only leave wounds that will heal under immortality?” Again the question was for the benefit of our audience. It would be such a shame to harm someone so gorgeous.

Necros nodded. “Blood is fine. You can even break bone. But only if she can recover without a scar. If I can’t breed her, I might as well use her body for other means.”

Another benefit of having her trained, I supposed.

Not that I agreed with any of this.