I will get Felix back, and I will absolutely make him pay for what he’s done.

“So, what’s the plan?” Vera asks from the couch, Malik sitting beside her.

I stand in front of them, with Blaire on one side, Piper on the other.

Atticus, Levi, and Felix have yet to arrive.

“We’ll take the bridge to the other side,” I answer, lifting my backpack farther up my shoulders. I’ve got everything I think I’d ever need. Water, Band-Aids, a knife, rope, some crystals, and a Bible.

You never know when you’ll really need one, I guess.

“It sounds super sketch. How are we supposed to get across that bridge? Didn’t Vera say it was broken?” Blaire messes with her hair, wrapped in a messy braid that falls over her shoulder. “I want to fix this, but something about going to a place where there’s absolutely no one, where we have no idea what’s even on that side of Castle Pointe, sounds really damn ominous.”

“Not only that, but if something happens, how do we get help? Cars can’t even get over there anymore.” Piper winces, her painted nails chipped and broken as she chews on them.

“Well, we’re going to have to get across it. If Hazel thinks that’s where we have to go…” Vera starts.

Malik nods his head. “What was in that picture has never been seen on this side of town. It’s the only way.”

“Well, let’s go, then.” I nod toward the door, and after a second, they follow. As I open the door, taking a step forward, my body instantly clashes with Felix’s.

He stares at me blankly, like nothing even happened last night. Like he didn’t tear me from my bed, strip me naked both mentally and physically, and make me run through the woods in the middle of the night, almost falling to my death.

“Glad you decided to show up,” I snap.

A smirk pops on his lips, and his eyes fall down my body, scraping across the parts he’s touched so intimately. “I was about to say you clean up well, but you don’t.”

I scowl at him, chucking my shoulder against his as I move past him. Another wall meets me, this one Atticus and Levi. “Move,” I grind between my teeth.

“You look better underneath me,” Atticus says with a bite, stepping to the side.

I clench my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms.

“Say something else to her and I’ll literally stick my fingernails into your eye sockets,” Piper shouts at Atticus and Levi, bumping past them until she’s beside me. I keep walking, and I can hear her running to catch up with me.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes, and breathing in the damp pine-filled air.

“Is everything okay?” I nod, my eyes falling closed. “I know you’re hiding something. What aren’t you telling me?” she whispers. I don’t stop, don’t answer her as I continue down the driveway. It’ll be about a ten-minute walk to the bridge, and I want to forget Felix even exists and focus on one thing. Discovering old Castle Pointe.

I can’t deny the little bit of excitement rolling through me. I’m ready to explore what hasn’t been sought out in decades. This place is, and always has been, a secret, an unknown, and I’m ready to uncover what’s been buried for centuries.

“It’s nothing,” I mumble, my fingers strangling the straps of my backpack.

“Hazel,” she barks, her fingers wrapping around my arm. She hauls me back, spinning me around so I’m facing her. My eyes dart up to the front door, and I see the rest of them heading down the steps, all in their own conversation.

Besides Felix, whose eyes remain on mine.

Do I tell my best friend what happened?

No, I really shouldn’t. It’ll only cause tension, and maybe arguments, because while I know my friends would fight to the death for me, I don’t think now, or maybe ever, is the right time.

My eyes meet Piper’s blue ones. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just the tension that’s been building. He’s an asshole, you know? They always have been.”

She stares at me for a moment, nodding her head slowly. “Yeah, they have been.” She doesn’t sound completely convinced but decides not to press as the rest of them make their way over.

“Let’s get going. Once it starts getting dark, we aren’t going to want to be on the other side of that bridge,” I tell them, and then take my next step.

Fuck, I hope this isn’t a mistake.