“We’re not making it over that,” Blaire whispers.

I blink, staring at the bridge in front of me. The waters of Lake Superior crash below us, the bridge slightly rocking in the wind. Directly in the middle is a hole, and I’m guessing that’s where Vera fell through the other year. The wood hangs down, swinging back and forth as it holds on by a single nail.

I don’t really know if we’ll be getting past this, but we have to try.

“Maybe I’ll try first. See if it’s sturdy?” I ask quietly.

“Hazel… maybe this isn’t the best idea,” Vera says.

I pull on the straps of my backpack, lowering them down my arms and dropping it to the ground. I turn around, to face both my friends and enemies. “Let me just try. If it feels unsafe, I’ll turn back.”

“Fuck that,” Felix snaps, and I narrow my eyes as I look over at him.

“What?” I ask, shocked.

He grinds his teeth together, his jawline clenching with tension.

“You go over that and fall, you’re fucked. Vera’s lucky she survived the fall. Plus, I don’t think any of us can trust your judgment,” he says simply, like he didn’t just offend me.

I lift my brows, stepping to the side. “Well, then go on ahead.” I wave my hand in front of me, allowing him a path.

He lets out a chuckle. “Oh, I’m not going by myself. You’re coming with me.” He grabs my backpack, swinging it over his shoulder as he stalks toward the bridge.

I blink. “If the both of us go, it’ll be more weight.”

“Exactly, and if one of us is going to make it and one of us is going to fall, I’ll make sure I push you first.” He steps forward, grabbing me around the arm and pulling me to the edge.

“If I die because of you, I hope you know I’ll come back and haunt you for the rest of eternity,” I growl at him, the toe of my boot pressing into the edge of the wood.

“Well, let’s hope you fucking make it, then,” he growls in my ear, and I can’t stop the shiver that works its way through me.

I narrow my eyes, glancing at him over my shoulder. “Have I ever told you how much I hate you?”

He smiles at me, though there’s menace in his eyes. “I can see it in your eyes how badly you hate me. Do you really think I care?”

I gasp in a breath as his hands cinch around my waist, and he walks forward, me in front of him.

“Do you know how easy it would be for me to lift you and drop you over the edge? Maybe I should? End this rivalry once and for all?”

“Please don’t,” I whisper, unsure if he’d actually be crazy enough to do that in front of my friends.

His hands tighten their grip, and I hold my breath as his rough, strong fingers dig into my slender waist. “Or I could lay you down on this rickety piece of wood and show everyone how deep your hate for me goes.” He presses himself even closer, and I shiver when I feel his rock-hard body mold against me. How can I hate him and want him like this? It makes no sense. Why do I so badly want the enemy?

Maybe it’s because even though he’s the enemy, he’s the only one that makes me feel alive in this place filled with so much death.

I take a deep breath, shaking any thoughts of him from my mind. Glancing over my shoulder, I whisper, “You may find me weak, Felix, but I can promise you, I’m much stronger than you’ll ever be.”

I lift my chin, my hands going out as I grip onto the rope. Felix may have the power in his strength, but I hold it in my mind, and where he’ll turn around because he sees something he doesn’t like, I’ll keep going. I’ll never stop.

He finds strength in the darkness.

I find strength in the light.

Together, we are a volatile combination of absolute catastrophe. We could never mix with positive results; we’ll always clash, crashing to the ground in a chaotic explosion. We don’t fit together, we never have, and we never will.

He’s tense behind me, and I allow him to ponder my thoughts. I’m sure he’s coming up with another remark that’ll make my knees wobble, because he knows what he does to me. But unfortunately for him, I just need to remind myself who he is. He can try to make me grow weak, can turn me on day and night, but I’ll always remember who stands on the other end.
