I start my car, glancing at the remains of the school. No one is chasing us, but that doesn’t mean whatever is underneath all that brick and wood isn’t watching us.

I can feel it. It’s not just one entity. It’s so many I can barely breathe.

“Let’s get out of here,” I mumble as I shift into reverse, and I make a U-turn, driving back down the hill and onto the main road, toward the bridge.

It doesn’t take long, and we’re silent, though there’s the low hum in the car, and I know it’s from the book behind me. I don’t know if they hear it, and because they haven’t said anything, I don’t believe they have, but I can.

It’s like it’s asking me to open it. To discover and learn all that it holds.

I shake my head. I don’t want to do any of this, but even as I claw my way to the good, the evil wants to drag me back down into the darkness.

After what feels like a long drive down the road, I flip my blinker on, turning left on the barely-there gravel road. It’s been filled in with trees and bushes, covered to look like no road at all. The elders of old Castle Pointe didn’t want the other side to be discovered, but why?

The overhanging of the trees instantly shades my car, and it’s so much darker as we drive through the brush and make our way toward the bridge. I can see the headlights of Malik’s car up ahead, and though it’s not even noon yet, it feels as if it’s the middle of the night with how dark it is outside.

I pull up beside his car, taking my key from the ignition and opening my door.

“I feel like going back there is the stupidest thing we could ever do. If they can break Atticus’s arm, what else are they capable of?” Piper whispers as she opens her door.

“Death,” I mumble as I step outside.

The guys step out too, and Felix walks around the car and right up to me with a blank stare. “Did you get the book?” he asks.

I nod, my eyes narrowing. “Why?”

His own eyes narrow. “I’m just fucking asking. What got you turning into a bigger bitch than normal?”

“Leave her alone, Felix. She was just attacked.”

He frowns.Frowns? Why?“What the hell happened?”

I lift the pant leg of his sweatpants, showing off the finger burn marks around my ankle. “Something wanted me.”

He squats down, his fingers brushing the burns. They look like blisters, and as his finger gently touches the marks, I let out a hiss, flinching away from him. “Don’t touch them,” I snap.

He runs his tongue along his teeth as he stands, glaring down at me. “Don’t go there again without us.”

My brows lift. “Okay? Why?”

Turning his back to me without another word, he walks toward Atticus.

Atticus doesn’t look happy at all to be here again, but he strides across the bridge without a word, calm, even though he looks angry.

Felix glances over his shoulder at me. “Let’s go.” He snaps his finger, and I bite my tongue, opening the back door to my car, glaring at the heavy book on the floor and grabbing my backpack. I shut the door with a slam, locking it before pocketing the keys in the sweatpants.

Walking up to Felix, he grabs onto my hips, shoving me in front of him and giving me a nudge toward the bridge. “Go,” he barks.

I glare at him over my shoulder, taking a step onto the rickety boards. “I can walk by myself. I don’t need your assistance.”

He sighs. “Just go, little witch. I want to get this shit over with.”

I walk silently, and I can feel him fuming behind me. Is he angry with me? Why would he be? I think about it as I cross the bridge, hopping over the gap and making my way toward Atticus on the other side.

And I can still feel him seething as I do. I spin around, lashing him with a glare. “Is this about last night? Are you pissed about something?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “This is about nothing, little witch. Watch your mouth.”

“Or what?” I taunt him, wanting to pull out the man who put his hands on me the night before. I know he’ll keep his distance, though. He would never be as dark as he really is in front of other people.