He saved that. For me.

He leans down, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “Or else I’ll tell everyone how wet your cunt gets when you get tied up.”

My eyes widen as a blush covers my cheeks. I can feel the heat wrapping around my neck, up to my forehead. “I absolutely despise you.”

He chuckles, just as I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. Blaire pants in my ear, nervous and tired. “I’ll never, ever enjoy crossing that bridge.”

“I feel you.” I glance toward the bridge, seeing Malik and Vera are the last to cross over. I adjust my backpack, turning to look at the woods in front of us.

“So, what’s the plan? Just back to the asylum?” Levi asks, sticking a cigarette into his mouth.

I shrug. “Did anyone see a library? Or a bookstore or anything? I’m wondering if there is something on the history that I can find about Castle Pointe.”

“What are you thinking?” Piper asks, walking up to Levi and stealing the cigarette from his lips. He glares at her as she takes a drag, blowing it toward the sky.

“Castle Pointe is fucked as a whole, but there’s some connection between old Castle Pointe and the school. Right? Like, what is the connection? What is the connection to all of it? There are so many pieces, yet none of them are fitting together.”

“Let’s go see what we can find,” Malik says, grabbing Vera’s hand and walking up the hill. I follow them, and we start making our way through the woods. We’re silent, all of us on edge, every single one of us nervous. Listening to every little noise, observing every flicker of light, cautious on what might happen.

Though, nothing does. It’s oddly silent, eerily calm, the air heavy with a fog, but not impossible to see. It just feels like normal, creepy Castle Pointe.

“Anyone else get the feeling this is the calm before the storm?” Piper laughs awkwardly.

“Uh-huh,” I mumble.

We make it through the woods, to the edge of the hill. Last time, we tumbled down, but this time, we all squat, doing an awkward slide-hop down to the bottom.

“This is too easy,” Atticus growls. “Something isn’t right.”

I roll my eyes. It’s almost like they want shit to go wrong.

“Let’s just focus on getting in and getting out. If nothing happens, we might as well not complain about it, right? Let’s just get this over with.”

Everyone is silent again as we make our way through town. Everything is as we left it, the open car doors, the stores just as they were yesterday when we were here. It feels like it happened so long ago, yet it’s only been mere hours since I last stepped foot in this side of town.

We arrive at the asylum, and it stands just as tall, just as menacing. Everyone pauses, looking up at the second level, where shit went so wrong last time.

I step sideways as I stalk past them, making my way up the steps.

I feel like we left the doors open yesterday, but today they are firmly closed.

My hand goes to the handle. “Here goes nothing.”

I pull, and the waft of dust and death slaps me in the face all over again. I let out a small cough, clearing my throat as the dimly lit lobby greets me. There’re no dead people, no sounds, no weird lights or orbs.

It’s just all so…silent.

“Feels off, doesn’t it?” Felix’s voice is so quiet as he mumbles behind me, I jump, and he rests a hand around my waist, grounding me.

“It does,” I breathe out, my mind turning foggy, my heart racing at his closeness, though I shake my thoughts free. I don’t have time to worry about Felix. It’s not the time. “But don’t say anything, because I don’t want people to worry.”

“We can hear you, you know, and we’re already worried. We know what this place looks like at its worst. I think this silence is like a fucking prologue or something,” Vera snaps.

Stepping inside, my footsteps echo as I make my way past the reception desk. I glance at the stairs, knowing where that will lead. “I say we stay down here. Go down this hall and see what’s this way.” I point ahead of us, where a long hallway leads. It could be storage, or absolutely nothing useful, but it could also give me the answers I need, and I don’t want to miss my opportunity.

“Yeah, sure,” Malik grumbles.

We head across the main area, through the arched doorway that leads to the long hallway. Doors on each side of us, the patterned carpet a stark contradiction to the gray brick walls. The wooden doors are peeled, faded, and look like they’ve seen better days. More than that, the heavy scent of musk and death make it nearly impossible to breathe in here.