"Dude! What the fuck is going on?" Atticus asks, shoving past me as he walks up to Malik. "Mal, you okay?" He presses his hand on Malik's arm, spinning him around.

White eyes.

"Holy shit! What's wrong with him?" Blaire screams.

"Dude!" Atticus releases his arm, stepping back in shock. "What the fuck?"

Malik blinks, and the white fades, his dark eyes clearing as they go back to normal.

"Malik?" The one who hasn't spoken to me at all steps up to him. "Mal, it's me, Felix."

Malik stares at him, looking confused. "Felix? What the fuck?" He looks around, his eyes widening when he sees how close he is to the edge. He shuffles away toward us, running his hands through his wet hair. "I don't… I don't know how the hell I got here." He looks around, his eyes growing confused when he sees Blaire, Piper, and Hazel.

Then they land on me. "You," he growls, stepping toward me. "Every time this happens to me, you're here." He stomps toward me, and his wet fingers wrap around my neck, lifting me off the ground like I weigh nothing at all. "What the fuck are you doing to me!" he roars through the rain.

I choke, grappling at his fingers for any kind of relief, but he gives me none.

"Malik!" Blaire screams, running up to me. She pulls at his arm, and Piper and Hazel rush to his other side, yanking on his clothes and any inch of body they can grab onto.

"Bro, calm down." Felix grabs the back of Malik's neck and gives it a squeeze, just as my sight starts to grow hazy.

He drops me.

I fall to the wet grass, gasping for breath. My hands go to my neck and I rub the ache where I'm sure fingerprints will be bruising soon enough.

Malik steps back, lifting his hands in the air. "I need to get the fuck out of here."

"Let us—" Felix starts.

"No," Malik snaps, interrupting Felix. "I just need to… go."

He walks past me, not even sparing me a glance as he rushes toward the parking lot. "And nobody fucking follow me!" he shouts, fading off into the rain.

Felix walks over to me and extends his hand. I blink up at him, feeling like this is some kind of joke, but the impatient look on his face makes me place my fingers into his palm. He pulls me to a stand. After picking a twig from the back of my shirt, he looks me in the eye. "I think it's time we finally talk."

"What is this place?" Hazel asks, echoing my thoughts.

We're… somewhere. Somewhere, meaning a decrepit old house that's barely standing. The house is slanted on one side, and rain leaks from the roof and broken windows. It looks like people have been staying here, or maybe some homeless people have been squatting at night. Either way, it's a pit. Abandoned, empty liquor bottles, litter strewn across the ground, broken windows, and trash make this place a disaster.

"A hangout," Levi says, plopping down on the couch. The feet are gone on the right side, so he leans to the left, nearly falling on his side.

"Hangout? This is where you hang out, Levi?" Piper laughs.

He lifts an eyebrow. "I can show you where I get my dick sucked if you're interested."

She sneers, "You're fucking vile."

"Enough," Felix barks, walking up to me until the toes of his shoes touch my boots. "Tell me. Tell me everything."

I glance at Hazel, and she winces, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

His fingers go up to my chin, and he turns my face back toward him. "I'm not talking to Hazel, and you don't need to get any information from her. I know what kind of girl she is." He turns toward her, spitting on the ground. "Witch."

"Shut the hell up!” she screams.

"You know I’m not lying. You dabble in the arts; you've got some dark shit swirling around you." He turns back toward me. "What the fuck did you do that made him end up like that? I've never seen him like that,ever. Not to mention, since you came around, he's been all fucked up." He taps his head with his pointer and middle fingers. "Something's up, and we're not leaving here until I know how to help my boy."

He releases my chin, and I gasp. "I don't know." Tears flood my eyes, and my usual hard exterior melts as fear consumes me. "I don't know what happened."