"Start from the beginning," Levi barks from the couch. He folds his arms behind his head, spreading his legs as he gets comfortable.

I shiver. There’s absolutely no insulation in this house. We're all exposed to the elements in here, and I have nothing on besides my button-up shirt, my skirt, my fishnets, and my boots. I didn't even have time to grab my backpack before we left the school.

"We did a… a spell."

Felix narrows his eyes. "What kind of spell?"

Hazel steps up to me, glaring at Felix. "It was nothing. It was a stupid protection spell on Vera, because Malik was treating her like shit. All we did was banish Malik's evil away from her."

Levi barks out a laugh, staring out the window into the forest. I glance at him and watch as his shoulders shake, but he doesn't turn around to look at us.

"Then what?"

I cast a side-eye at Hazel. "We played the Ouija board."

Felix blinks at us, then tips his head back, closing his eyes. I watch as his neck tenses, anger rolling through his body.

These guys are so damn hot.

But as similar as their appearances are, none of them compare to Malik, at the end of the day. Malik is his own species. He's his own universe. No one has or will ever compare to him.

I hope he's okay, wherever he left to. And I hate that I care. I hate myself for having even an inkling of remorse for him. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve it after how cruel he's been to me.

I hate saying it. I hate even thinking it. But I know a part of me is starting to grow feelings for him. It doesn't take away my hate for him, because it's still as fierce as ever, but a shard of my emotions is melting, and becoming mixed with another emotion I didn't realize I could ever feel. Especially for Malik.

Then there's the whole thing of him being my stepbrother. No one would ever understand. Most of all, here. My mom would probably beat me to death.

No, I need to keep it to myself. Nothing good would ever come from speaking my feelings. I'll just suffocate them until they can't breathe, and eventually die.

"You what?" Felix snaps me out of my thoughts, his angry eyes glaring down at me. "You played with a fucking Ouija board? Are you guys fucking idiots?"

"Save it. I've already had the speech from Malik."

"Well, he's right!" Levi shoots off the couch, coming to stand next to me. "Playing with a Ouija board is dumb shit here. It's like a death wish. I can believe you doing something so stupid." He glares at Hazel. "But, you?" He points at Piper and Blaire. "You were okay with playing a Ouija board in this town? You know the consequences."

Hazel's eyes water. "We've done it before. Nothing like this ever happened after it."

"Jesus Christ," Atticus mumbles from the door.

I can feel the animosity toward my friends, and I know they aren't the ones to blame. They only tried to help me. Keep me safe. Yeah, maybe the Ouija board was a stupid idea, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if we weren't in Castle Pointe.

"You want to know when shit started going sideways?" I frown at Felix, and his face goes blank. "When you guys threw me in the cemetery, in that fucking mausoleum at night. When I was trapped with no way out, and I saw and heard shit I never want to witness again." My eyes water, and I blink them away before they can notice. "Everything was fine up until that moment, and I blame all you fuckers for putting me in that situation. Is this a game? Look where the fuck it got you. Your friend is fucked up!"

Atticus turns around, a sneer on his face as he stomps up to me. "If you're the one that was locked in the cemetery that night, why isn't it you that's fucked up, instead of him?"

I breathe, feeling it in my gut that what happened last night was supposed to flow into me. Malik… he helped me. He pulled me away at the last minute, and whatever entered him, whatever that black mass was that flew into his chest, was meant to enter me.

"Last night… last night we were in the library in his house, and books started flying from the shelves all by themselves. We tried to get out, but the door was locked. Malik grabbed the Bible and a crucifix and started praying just as this huge, black smoke appeared behind me. Malik, h-he pulled me out of the way. It shot into him. He flew off the ground and was suspended in the air for so long. The black thing went inside him. It's like his body swallowed it…" I swallow through my dry throat, the tears not easily blinked away this time. "Then this morning, his eyes were white. He almost killed me," I whisper the last part, my fingers going to my aching throat, Malik's fingerprints already forming bruises. "Then he comes to, and he doesn't remember a thing."

"Holy shit," Hazel whispers. "He's possessed."

Felix stares at me, shock covering his face. He lifts his hand, digging his fingers into his forehead before dragging his hand down his face. "Yeah. Fucking sounds like it."

The sound of crashing startles us all. I look over at Levi, whose heaving breaths are full of aggression. Splintered wood lays on the ground where he must have chucked what looks to be like a small table. "This is your fucking fault." He points his finger at me and Hazel. "You fucked up." He glares at Felix. "You know what Malik would do if it was one of us, right? You fucking know." He slips a knife from his pocket, opening the blade. "He'd fucking get rid of them right now."

Felix lifts his hand, glaring heavily at him. "We're not going to fucking kill them, Levi. Put that shit away." He swings his gaze back to mine. "You fucked him, didn't you?"

My eyes widen. "Where the hell did that come from?"