He smirks, though I'm not sure if it's really friendly or not. "Because if this shit would've happened a few days ago, you wouldn't be cryin' like you care about him. Now your eyes keep filling, like you're emotional about Malik. You wouldn't be emotional about him if you didn't care about him, and you care about him because you fucked him, right?"

I grapple for any words, any kind of excuse or anything I can say to deny his words.

Hazel touches my arm, her eyes wide. "Is it true? You slept with him?"

My mouth opens, but all that comes out is a squeak.

Felix shakes his head. "Well, maybe I can at least trust that you want to help him now, instead of fucking with him anymore."

Oh, I'll always want to fuck with him. But do any more harm to him than he's already experiencing? Definitely not.

"So, what're we going to do?" Atticus asks.

Felix rubs at his chin. "I mean, I don't know. What do you think, witch? What kind of potion do you have for this shit?" He directs his question at Hazel, and she scowls at him.

"Quit calling me that, and… I don't know. I don't think there's a spell… or a potion that can fix this. I think we have to go to the church." She winces.

Everyone winces.

"Malik evennotpossessed wouldn't like that shit," Levi grumbles, sitting back down onto the couch.

"Honestly, whatever we do, I just want to do it soon." I look out the window, feeling like it's darker outside than it should be. "I want to go home and see if he's there. Can someone drop me off?"

"Do you really want to go alone?" Hazel asks.

"I probably should." I think about him being normal and everyone storming into his house, asking one million questions and demanding answers. If he wasn't already on edge, that'd definitely tip him over.

They all look at me, and Felix nods. "Let me give you my number and let me know how he is. He hasn't been responding to my texts." He slips his phone from his pocket, and the screen lights up.


He shakes his head.

"I don't have a phone."

He frowns, and I clarify. "I mean, I have a phone, but it doesn't work here. So, actually, I don't have a phone."

He sighs. "I'll pick you up a burner and drop it at Hazel's house. She can get it to you."

"Don't come over," Hazel growls.

"Why? Because you know I'll end up in your bed again?"

Her eyes widen, and her face pales. She spins around, stomping out the door and into the rain. "Come on, Vera! I'll bring you home."

I stare at Felix, wondering if there's any truth to his words.

Felix and Hazel?

That, I didn't expect.

I feel a hand on my arm and see Piper nodding her head toward the door. With one scowl at Felix, she pulls me from the abandoned house and into the rain.

"Let me know how he is, Vera!" Felix shouts through the sound of the rain slapping against the ground.

I lift my hand in a wave, and then we're off.