Vera takes a step back. "I have to go to school."

"Malik can take you," my dad pipes up out of nowhere, constantly oblivious to the silent meltdown happening in the room.

"No," both Vera and I say at the same time.

She looks over at me, a look of hatred simmers in her eyes. They're blue. Much bluer than the sky and the lake put together. But right now, they're dripping with venom.


My nostrils flare, and I curl my teeth around my lip. "She can walk."

"Malik," my dad cautions.

My gaze goes to him, and I want to flip this table over in outrage. He knows he has no control over me, so attempting to gain some in the presence of others makes me want to prove him otherwise.

"You will take her to school." His eyes widen, a warning in his irises.

I glance at Vera, hating watching her stand there, in my kitchen, with her tiny outfit on, her arms folded across her chest and a heavy frown on her face.

"Fine.” I push my chair back and glare at Vera. “Let’s go.”

Shoving past her, I stomp outside as I fish the keys from my pocket. Walking down the steps and underneath the archway, I hop into my Range Rover. Stupidly, my father has an identical one. It hums to life, purring beneath me, and I swear it makes me fucking hard.

I shift into drive, turning on one of my playlists and tapping my finger on the steering wheel.

And wait.

Really, bitch?

Then the door swings open, and I listen as the doorknob pounds against the wall inside the house. She grabs the handle, slamming the door shut as hard as she can.

Stomping over to me, her dark-rimmed eyes narrow at the slight smirk on my face.

Just as she's about to place her hand on the handle, my foot releases from the brake, and I press on the gas, the car rolling forward and away from her.

She throws her hand in the air. "What the fuck are you doing?"

I roll the passenger-side window down, leaning across the center console and showing her as much of my razor-sharp teeth as I can. Not in a smile, no, in a damn snarl. My eyes drop down to her bare legs, her skirt lightly fluttering in the wind. The thick fabric brushes the tops of her thighs, and I can’t stop my eyes as they take in her fishnet tights. They are ridiculously sexy, and the small rips make my fingers twitch.

Did she tear them herself, or did some other hungry fuck rip them with his greedy fingers?

"I don't know where you've been, and from the looks of it, nowhere decent." My tongue dashes out, wetting my lower lip. Vera's eyes narrow in disdain, even while they drop to my lips. Her jaw loosens, going slightly slack as she watches my tongue. "I don't let just anyone settle their ass on my leather seats. A walk might brush the filthy from you. It's about five miles. That way." I point into the woods, knowing she'll never be able to find her way.

Pressing on the gas again, the smoke from the exhaust momentarily clouds her image in my rearview mirror. Once the smoke clears, I see Vera with both hands up in the air, her dirty middle fingers raised directly at me.

I roll my window down, lazily sticking my middle finger in the air back at her.

Fuck her. Fuck her mother.

She's not just a new roommate. She's my damn stepsister.

The thought makes me shiver.

I hate that I want to tear between her legs. I hate that she catches my eye at all. More than anything, I hate that I hate these feelings. I don't want to feel anything toward her.

I want to hate her, and I do.

I shake my head, clearing my unnecessary thoughts. All I need to focus on is getting her out of here. Any girl who isn't from around here would flee in a fucking second.