For some reason, I don't think Vera will. I don't think she will at all.



"Fuck you, you fucking asshole. Go die in a ditch, you ugly piece of shit!" The lie rolls from my tongue easily as the Rover fades off around the trees.

I can literally feel the steam rolling out of my ears. I spin around, my teeth grinding as I walk toward the door. I see the garbage bins tucked around the corner of the house, and I cut right, heading straight toward them.

I lift the brown lid, seeing my white and red pack of Marlboros and my white lighter sitting directly on top of a black garbage bag.

I chuckle. "Idiot."

I grab them, pulling a cigarette from the pack and instantly lighting it up. Stomping toward the house, I open the door, walking inside with my cigarette in hand.

Glancing up, I see my mom pressed against the island with Samuel’s hand snaked beneath her skirt, gripping one of her ass cheeks in his large palm.

The sole of my boot goes up, and I shove the door closed with a bang. He flings back from my mom, not looking the least bit concerned. He should be.

My mom looks embarrassed and a little sad as she stands up straight, righting her skirt back into place.

"Vera? What're you… What's going on?" She takes a step toward me, her eyes dropping to my hand as she notices the burning cigarette pinched between my fingers. "Are you smoking in here?" she shrieks.

I bring the cigarette up, taking a heavy drag and blowing the smoke out through my nose. "Yes."

She looks at Samuel. "I'm so, so sorry, Sam. Vera, put that out right now. Where did you get those?"

Samuel starts walking toward me, and I stand up straighter. My mom rushes behind him, her heels clapping against the ground. I bring the cigarette up for another drag when Samuel reaches up, plucking the cigarette from between my fingers. His arm snakes behind me, opening up the door and tossing my cigarette outside. "We do not smoke in here," he mumbles in my ear. His tone makes shivers run down my spine. It’s threatening. No-nonsense.

He is the boss of this fucking castle; that’s what his tone says.

"Samuel, this is so embarrassing." She buries her face in her hands before looking up at me, a heavy glare on her face. "Whatever you think you're doing, just stop, right now. Why aren't you on your way to school? Malik was supposed to drive you." She takes a huge breath, her chest shaking from irritation. "More than that, why the hell do you think it's okay to smoke in the house?"

My hand lifts, and drops back down, slapping against my thigh. "He left."

She narrows her eyes. "And you didn't want to get in the car with him?"

My blood starts humming, and if Samuel wasn't standing right there looking ominous, and honestly, slightly scary, I might lash out at her.

I glare at him. "I tried. He left me in the driveway."

Samuel's eyes narrow. I watch as his jaw grinds and his entire body stiffens to stone.

My mom looks up at him. "Well, there has got to be some sort of mistake. Maybe he didn't see you or something. Don't worry, I'll take you."

Samuel raises his hand. "Don't worry about it. You have to get to work. I'll take her."

My mom's eyes widen, and my blood runs cold.

Well, this day keeps taking a turn for the worse.

He walks over to the end table against the wall in the front entryway, grabbing his keys from a small bowl sitting in the center. "Let's get going, then. Don't want to be late on your first day."

I look at my mom, pleading for her to take me instead. I don't want to ride in the car alone with him. His son seems like the devil, I can't imagine the type of evil this guy is.

"I think that sounds great. Thank you, Samuel. Have a good day at school, Vera." She leans in, pressing a kiss against my hair. "Behave." Her fingers grip my bicep, giving me a tight squeeze.

What I wouldn't give to light her hair on fire.