Me:Can you see my texts? This place is BULLSHIT.

Another small exclamation mark pops up. I chuck my phone against the wall, grabbing my bag again and pulling my cigarettes and lighter from inside. I head to my window, pushing on the wooden frame until it cracks open. Placing my cigarette between my lips, I cup my hand around the front and light the tip, watching as the tobacco glows a bright red.

Everyone can fuck right off.

The breeze washes over my skin, and I watch the darkness and listen to the cracks and crunches off in the distance. I imagine the spirits of this eerie town, wandering around aimlessly in the night. Nowhere to go. No one to talk to. A constant feeling of loneliness filling you.

I shiver.

A glow lights up ahead, and I watch as a pair of headlights turn onto the driveway, the car making its way up to the house.


I flick my cigarette into the distance and close the window. I do not want to deal with him tonight. After abandoning me not once, but twice, he can go to hell for all I care.

I rush over to the door, closing it and flicking off the light. Leaping into bed, I curl the covers over my face and pretend I’m sleeping.

Please. Please, after today, just leave me the hell alone.

It doesn’t take long for me to hear the sound of footsteps pounding up the stairs. Not just one set, but four.


Soon enough, I hear the door creak open, and heavy breathing fills the room.

Dammit, why didn’t I grab my pocketknife?

I hold my breath as they walk around my bed. They’re quiet, too quiet. I know whatever is about to happen isn’t going to be good.

Are they going to kill me? Is this the end? Maybe I won’t have to go back to that damn school, after all. Maybe these guys will take me away from my misery. Take away my choice altogether.


The sound of duct tape makes my eyes fling wide. A heavy hand slaps against my shoulder, and I’m wrenched onto my back. The scratches from earlier scream in agony.

I open my mouth to let out a wicked scream when a sock is shoved into my mouth, and the stickiest tape I’ve ever felt gets slapped across my lips.

A scream rips from my throat, muffled from the thick fabric of the sock. I gag around it, using my tongue to push it as far to the front of my mouth as I possibly can. Tears of rage spring to my eyes, and I swing my hands out, looking to punch any of the menacing-looking dark figures in front of me.

I know it’s Malik and his friends. I can smell him. His manly, intoxicating scent that has a mixture of evil meshed in.

Then he’s there, pinning my arms against my sides as he hovers over me, his teeth snapping at me as he snarls, “Consider this payback for the little cigarette burn you decided to inflict on me earlier.”

“Fuck you!” I roar around the sock. No one can make out a word, I’m sure, but the venom spitting from my eyes should give them enough of an indication of what I’m trying to say.

He smirks. “I must not have shoved the sock deep enough in your throat if you can still talk shit. Can you deep-throat, baby sister? Doubt you’d be able to speak if I shoved my dick down your throat instead.”

Fuck. Gag me. What a disgusting fucking human.

He glances to the other side of the bed. “Grab her feet. I’ll grab her arms. We need to get out of here, fast, before her mom or my dad see us.”


My neck arches back and I let out the most tortured howl I’ve ever made. If the sock and tape weren’t across my mouth, I bet I’d wake the entire town. And the dead.

Malik’s fingers go to the skin right below my eyes, his nails digging in deep. “I don’t know what kind of torture you went through today at school, but I can guarantee, if you make another scream like that, what we do to you will be much, much worse.”

I swallow around the sock, my eyes wide as silence fills the room.