In an unspoken agreement, they all move at once, lifting me and carrying me across the room like a dead body in a body bag.

I want to scream so badly, but fear of the consequences leaves the words trapped in my throat. They carry me down the stairs silently, out the front door, and into the cold night. Drops hit my face, making me flinch. I look up, seeing ominous, fast-moving clouds clashing together.

Great. Another storm.

They throw me in the trunk like a bag of potatoes, then shut the door behind me. A moment later, the car doors open and the four of them jump into Malik’s Range Rover. The rough fabric of the trunk itches against my bared arms. It smells like fresh, new car back here, mixed with a hint of marijuana.

The Rover rumbles to life, the quiet vibration heavy beneath my body. They talk quietly among themselves, and I bring a hand up slowly, peeling the tape from my lips. I wince as each baby hair is ripped from my skin. After a few moments, my lips are free, and I gag the soggy sock from my mouth.

Where are they taking me?

I keep my back to them, so they can’t see my uncovered mouth. I breathe heavily as I think on what to do.

How the hell can I get out of this?

I feel like my only option is to literally fight them to the death. I can scratch at their skin and kick them in the nuts, and hope—fucking pray—that I can escape some way or another.

We roll down a gravel road, my body rocking side to side until he punches the brakes. My body rolls to the door of the trunk, my face slamming against the expensive plastic.

Son of a bitch.

“It’s been a while,” one of them murmurs. There’s an excitement in his voice, and my face scrunches in confusion.Why the hell is he so excited?

More than that, what is he excited for?

“She seems so damn docile. I figured she’d put up more of a fight than that.” A guy with a deep, raspy voice seems disappointed. I wish I knew which one he was, because I’d punch him in the nuts first.

The car doors open, casting me in a low light before quickly going into darkness once again.

Okay. It’s now or never. If I want to live another day, I’ll have to act fast and fight hard.

I can feel them stepping around the door of the trunk. Their shadows glow behind the back window. Four tall, menacing-looking figures stand before me.

I take a deep breath, my body tensing as I wait.


The back door pops open, and I swing my feet out, knocking with the thighs of someone, I’m not quite sure who. I hear anoomph, and kick again, connecting with another body. Hands grasp at my ankles, and I pull myself forward, my fist swinging and connecting with someone’s cheek.

“She’s feisty!” Someone laughs, but I don’t find it funny at all as I swing again. Someone makes a grab for me, and this time I think it’s Malik with how strong and possessive his hands are. I scratch at his skin, digging in deep until I break the flesh.

I won’t let them get me. Not today.

I swing my feet up until my knees hit my chest, then punch them forward as hard as I can, knocking them out of the way.

And I make my escape.

Curling my fingers around the expensive material, I shove myself out of Malik’s car, sprinting as quickly as I can into the woods. Branches and twigs break around me, and it doesn’t take long for me to hear heavy footsteps pounding into the darkness behind me. My bare feet are poked bloody with each twig and pine needle in the woods. But I can’t think about that as I search for any kind of safety.

They’re coming.

I zip left and right, turning different ways, getting myself lost and hopefully making me disappear from their sight.

An oversized trunk comes into sight, and I sprint to it, squatting down and hiding behind it. I gasp, holding my hand over my mouth to quiet my pants as footsteps make their way closer.

“Oh, little sister. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Malik’s voice is a mixture of playful and deadly. He wants to play a game, but at what cost?

“You have to let me have a little fun, Mal. She got me fucking good,” someone grunts, and I smirk, knowing he must have been the one I kicked straight in the balls.