Page 73 of Monstrous Lies

“I owe you my life. I offer my loyalty and my weapons until I am dead. I bow to you, our queen, our versalis.”

“Queen?” I whisper, looking at a shocked Akuji.

“They are crowning you. That is an honour which has not been given since the war. It’s a name for someone who protects our race, who fights for them with no tribal allegiance. It is for someone who is just loyal to our species.” He meets my eyes, his own sparkling with pride. “You are our versalis.” I watch as he drops to his knees before me, his forehead pressed to my hand. “My mate. My saviour.”

I drag my eyes from him to the kneeling army of monsters before me. Friends, enemies, families, and lovers are all joined together, kneeling before a human.

I do the only thing I can, dropping to my knees as well and bowing my head.

“We are equals here,” I murmur, trying to force the words from my throat. “No humans, no monsters, just people. A community. One I’m proud to kneel to.”

Here, over the wall meant to protect us from one another, we unite, kneeling together in love and standing together in hope.



We are not stupid enough to think the humans will just let us get away with this. We destroyed their research, took their test subjects, and embarrassed them. They can’t let that stand, but for tonight, we celebrate.

Families are reunited, and lovers are brought together again.

We are whole.

We leave guards on the wall, and I managed to find the old camera system from the city. Some don’t work, but some do, and we set them up near the wall so I won’t have to be on guard duty all day, every day, even though I would willingly do so. We have also sealed all the tunnels in…at least the ones we know of.

Now we celebrate. I’m perched on Akuji’s lap, laughing as Talia tries to teach a bumbling Cato how to dance. Others watch as well, trying to copy her movements. His cheeks are heated in embarrassment, but he doesn’t care as his people hoot and holler, because she’s smiling.

Whatever happened in that skyscraper changed Talia. She had been quiet, scared, and withdrawn. I won’t ask what transpired, it’s her choice whether or not she wants to speak about it, but watching her now with Cato, I know she will be okay.

He will make sure of it, no matter what it takes.

“You look beautiful when you laugh, mate,” Akuji says, tightening his grip on my hips. I grin and lean in to kiss his cheek before a giggle has me lifting my head. My heart melts when I see Roroak dancing with his mate and child. His smile is so wide, it looks like it might crack. They are oblivious to the world around them, and I don’t blame them.

Music plays from somewhere deep in the bowels of our home, and meat is torn into. They decided to have a feast, with what looks like a pig being cut up on one table. There is something that they call rubchek, which is similar to alcohol, but when I take a sip, I almost gag, so I leave it alone. Watching the effects it has on the usually scary, snarling monsters is amusement enough for me. They are hilarious drunks.

There’s some fighting, and Akuji says it’s normal, but a particularly brutal one is breaking out in the corner, so he sighs and kisses my head. “I’ll be back, mate. Do not move,” he warns before storming into their masses. He pulls them apart like they are naughty children and not seven-foot snarling monsters.

It’s breathtaking.

“Hey, little human,” Sunny calls, drawing my gaze away from my mate.

“Hey.” I grin as she sits opposite me, following my eyes to Akuji.

“You two are so smitten, it makes me sick.” She laughs.

“Shut up.” I smirk. “Having a good time?”

“Always.” Her eyes dart to a big, scarred monster in the corner before she ducks her head.

I can’t help but raise my eyebrow as I meet his eyes, which narrow before going back to her and softening. “Who’s that?” I ask.

Her head whips up in panic. “Nobody.”

“Sure.” I sip my water as I watch her. “He’s watching you, you know. Why not make a move?”

“Vex has already had a mate…” She trails off and leans in, so I do the same. “We mate for life. She died in a human attack. He was hurt very badly, and he’s never been the same since. I helped nurse him back to health and tried to be his friend, but he doesn’t want one. He just wants revenge.”

Frowning, I look back to see him still staring at her, oblivious to the other people around him. “Can you have more than one mate?”